This project aims of examining the role of personnel training and development a determinant of oragnisation productivity. Case study of Oke –ero Local government kwara state.
          The purpose of elanity the project has been segregated into chapter, the arrangement of the chapter of the project come up as follows;
          Chapter one deals wit the introduction part, the purpose of the study. Definition of terms used in the write up was examined
          Chapter two of the project deals with the frame work and commented, in thinking and summary.
          Chapter  three deals with the  research methodology sources of colleting data and method of data analysis and research problem.
          Chapter four talks about data analysis together with interpretation of data collected.
          The lat chapter deals with summary , conclusion interpretation and suggestion for further studies of the project work      
Title page                                                                 i
Certification                                                             ii
Dedication                                                               iii
Acknowledgement                                                    iv - vi
Proposal                                                                   vii
Table of content                                                       viii - x
Chapter one
1.0      General instruction                                          1
1.1   Introduction                                                     1 - 2
1.2   Statement of problems                                     3 - 4
1.3   Aims and objective of the study                               4 - 5
1.4   The significances of the study                          5 - 6
1.5   Research methodology                                     6 - 7
1.6   Scope and limitation of the study                    7 - 8
1.7   Organization of the study                                 8 - 9
1.8   Definition of terms                                           9
1.9   References                                                       10
Chapter two
Literature review
2.1      Theoretical framework                                     11 - 19
2.2      Current tends in thinking                                        19 - 22
2.3      Summary of the chapters                                 22 - 25
2.4      References                                                       26 - 27
Chapter three
Methodology/research method                                        28
3.1      Introduction                                                     28
3.2      Sample and population of the study                        28 - 29
3.3      Sources of data collection                                29 - 30
3.4      Method of data analysis                                   30 - 31
3.5      Research problems                                          31
Chapter four
Data presentation /analysis and interpretation
4.0      Introduction                                                     32
4.1   Presentation of data                                         32 - 35
4.2   Analysis of data                                               35 - 42
4.3   Testing of hypothesis                                       43 - 44
4.4   References                                                       45
Chapter five
5.0      Summary, recommendation and conclusion
5.1   Summary of the finders                                   46 - 50
5.2   Recommendation                                             50 - 53
5.3   Conclusion                                                      53 - 54
5.4   Bibliography                                                    55 - 56

Personnel training and development is a necessity for every organization that meet the challenges of time “personnel/human resources is the most dynamic of all the organization “ resources” in fact, they are the skill embodied in the entire labour force, the importance of the human resources in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives cannot be over emphasized. In that, they are responsible for the coordination of other resources of the organization toward accomplishing the objectives of the organization.
Training on the other hand is seen as” a discipline and experience on a systematic action which enable people to learn new knowledge, acquire skill and permit employees to perform according to the standard of the organization for organizational success. Every organization needs to have a well trained and experienced worker to man the activities of the various departments within the organization.
Every, experienced workers need to learn about the organization, it people, policies, culture and procedure. Training is more orientated than individual oriented
        “Development is more concerned with overall employees as adaptable resources. Development programme help to prepare the employee so that they can move the organization as it charges develops and grows. It is more career oriented than job oriented “development involve the act of improving the skills and ability of the workers, so as to be able to manage the efficiency toward achieving the goals of the organization to manage the resources of the organization effectively and efficiently toward achieving the goals of the organization.

Basically every research work has to have one problem or the other in other to make the work more effective and efficient but the researcher faces some of the following problem during some of the activities of carrying out the work.
i       Time factors:- The time factors of writing this project is short which make the researcher to limit his searching to oke ero local government alone. Assuming a lot of time is available the researcher could expand his topic wider than this.
Ii      Finance: There is a lot finance during the causes of carrying out this project the researcher has to spend money in other things because the research commence which the researcher is still on receiving leaders
Iii     Cooperation:- From despondence the despondence which the researcher need to consult for effective work and not have time to give him much responses but with the little gathered the research is able to draw at conclusion.
The major aims and objectives of the research works is to examine the relationship and employees performance on their job.
The purpose of this is to improve the skills of the workers so that they will be able to cope with charges in the society at large
This research work is also carried out in order to provide a means of improving the performance of the workers on their job. Thought some from the tanning or retaining so as to enable them to cope with any from of job redesigned or a technological break through.
Another aims and objectives of this research work is to bring about increase in the productivity of the organization through training and development of the workers in the organization.        
This is because when the skills of the workers are improved, it is believed that the performances of the workers are improving and this will have direct impact on the productivity of the organization. More so, it is also the aims and objectives of this research work is to examine the training and development programme of oke –ero local government which is the case study of this research work.
One of the importance’s of this research work is to allow or bring about improvement in workers performance through the concept of training and development.
The study will also shed more light on how to improve the productivity of the organization.
Also, it will lead to the achievement of the organization goals in the public sectors must especially in the local government
Further more, the study will contribute toward the improvement of employee’s productivity.
Also, daily activities of workers will increase with better training and development, even in the absence of supervisor.
In addiction to the significance already mentioned above is the contribution that this research work will make or contribute to the entire body of knowledge.
As it will serve as a foundation or stepping stone for other reseacher that will be writing on this topic or other topics related to this  topics  
Both the primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed in the process of gathering data for this research work. The method employed include questionnaire interview and documentary method of data collection.
The questionnaire was distributed among the six department of Oke- Ero local government council. That is the questionnaire was distributed to the workers, working in financial department, health department, personal department, education department, and agriculture department.
The data were collected and well analyzed to get the required conclusions.
The scope of this research work has been limited to the study of training and development of personnel in the local government. due to this limited scope to oke ero local government  as the case study  of this research Work.
Also, another limitation of this study  is the time constraint. Thus the time allotted for this research work is too small as three are other academic activities restricting my attention.
Finally, this research work is limited due to non availability relevant information from Oke-Ero local government.
This research work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter comprises of the introduction, statement of problem aims and objective of the study, the significance of the study, organization of the study and definition of terms.
Chapter two deals with review of related literature.
Chapter three also deals with historical background of Oke-Ero local government, organization structure of Oke Ero local government and its organization chart.
Chapter four deals with data analysis and interpretation.
Chapter five include summary, recommendation and conclusion.
1     Petroleum: the people that work in an organization for a fixed income.
2     TRAINING: the process of learning the skills that are needed to do a job on a process of updating old skills and developing new ones.
3     DEVELPOMENT: the gradual growth of skill so that it become more advanced and stronger.
4     ORGANISATION: a group of people that form a business together in other to achieve a particular aim.
5     PRODUCTION: The rate, at which a working a company or a country produces good and the amount produced, compared with how much time work and money is needed to produce them.
1.9      Cole G.A .(1990)  management, theory and practical London:      the Guemsey press c. ltdp.104.
Mubanaq S. and Adedo M in management Nigeria foundation

Training and development are very important to an organization that want to survive and cop with the rapidly changing technology seence,
Therefore, there is need to continuously re-train worker to carry out jobs  which have changed in certain phases.
There is a necessity for every organization to have a training policy that will cater for her worker. Training and development is inevitable for any organization that wants to be successful and futuristic.
Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and or skill for a definition purpose in the organization trainees shall acquire new manipulative skills, technology knowledge, problem solving ability or attitude.
Training differ from education in that, education has enters of this research work refers to formal education in primary, secondary, college, of education other tertiary is oriented institution or university.
Training has a more immediate utilitarian purpose than education the general educational system is fundamentally meant to teach broad knowledge and skills that equip people to effectively cope with their environment, to cater for themselves and to aid the progress of the society as a whole.
IT is essential those employees are given initial training. That is orientation to the  practice and ways of working in a particular organization that has employed them. However, it is assented that training is a process to assist in attaining a level of performance and a quality of a personal and social behaviors that meet their need and those of the organization.
They have added new dimension of them definition, a quality of personal at social behavior of the employee which is actualized through training in other to meet the need of establishment and the individuals. This angle is emphasizes that training help employee to gain new technical problem solving ability or attitude.
Training is concerned with the moves between two input to an organization effectiveness people and technology. He later said that since organization carcenerly secure people who at the stage of employment are total master of their unique requirement, organization need  a sub-system called TRAINING this is thus helping them to master the technology of their task’s he affirmed that trainiry  change uniformed employee to informed employee training change unskilled employee to skilled employee who can do their assigned task in the way the organization want them done that is worker who do things the right way. This right way, he said is called STANDARD, and this are main use of training is to produce people who perform work accordingly to a sub-standard. In  essence this means that there has to be a predetermined standard of performing duties that worker should form in order to achieve the best result.
Training is also seen as a continuous process that should concern a person on through his career un the public service or business world. It applies to everyone, whether a generalist administrator, technical or (professional officer,  junior or senior officer. If training is to help make an organization more productive and effective, the total administrative system must be conducive to staff development and training as an integral part of the whole process.
It is however, not enough to train a staff, it is equally important that he is given ample opportunity to prove his work because as a man cannot be train and left in a shone where would be practice his trade? Many staff have been train and left to waste a way. This is done deliberately to frustrate such staff or lack of manpower planning were staff are train in the wrong direction or for job which have no immediate to the needs of the organization.
Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge or skill for a definite purpose this implied that essentially training must be organized, it is not supposed to be a hapharzard  programme by which people learn knowledge or skill for a specific purpose which the training is to achieve.
It is expected that some change in the behaviour of those trainees should be observable learning that the training should have brought to the individuals an added knowledge and a new or improve skill.
Training is also refered to as the systematic development of the attitude or skill behaviour partherm nefine by an individual in order to perfor adequately a given task or joy “
In the industrial situation, this means that the tetchiness  shall acquire new manipulation skills, technical knowledge, problem solving ability or attitudes. It is expected that the employees apply newly acquired knowledge and skills on the job.
In such away that aid in the achievement of the organization goals.
It is also observed that all new employees, regardless of their previous training, education and work environment, need to be introduced to their employers specific tasks. One do not just employed a new hand even through the task my be similar to one he has been performing before taking up the new job one skill finds that each job situation possesses its own peculiarities, as such there is skill the need for such individual to be introduce by way if training to the way to things are done in that organization
Moreover, specific occasion for training some on when employees are transferred from a area to another or where an individual is promoted or when job changes for instance, when somebody is transferred from the head office, what obtains at the head office will be different from what obtains at the branch level in order to be able to cope with what the job dictates. Changes also occur as a result of technological innovation and development employees and to be trained and retrained in view of those changes
Training is therefore, a vital and necessary in all oragnisation, it plays a large part in determining effectiveness and efficiency of the establishment.
It determines the continued survival of the organization, particularly where consideration is given to it by any organization or establishment.
“training is the act of improving and updating out data knowledge, in order wonds, it is on top job accumulation of wisdom and experience”
Training is very vital and a very necessary activities for an organization that want to cope with the test of time. Thus, the need for training is an so emrical to the attainment of organization goals and objectives.
Therefore training is concerned with the process by which the attitude, skill and ability of the employees to perform specific job with the view to improving of the productivity is developed. It is through organization training that old talent can be updated and new ones developed and those updated through training would be used to fullest capacity
In carrying out training programme, it must be done bearing in mind certain set objectives. This is because there are variations in organization culture and before a training is undertaken in an oragnisation a through analysis of the training need of the personal training to be done, the need for training is biome out the fact that many oraginsation have come to realize its importance and have accepted training as pre – requisite for efficient performance and have sought out adequate facilities for training of their employee.
        The main objectives of the training problem of local government in Kwara State as stated in the training policy reticular number LGS/S/39/T1/5 of 1st August 1991, released by the Kwara State local government service commission are;
         i.        To increase the competence and effectiveness of officer in performance of their job through exposure to modern management techniques and new advances in technological science in them respective profession
       ii.        To develop the academic or professional participative of officer in preparation for higher responsibility in their chose earner
     iii.        To produce a conp of high specialized officer for united government services,
The kwara state civil service commission has condition under which employees can undergo training programmes. The approved training  schedule are;
              i.        Technical assistance
            ii.        Study leave with pay
          iii.        Study leave without pay
Under the technical assistance service officer are usually released for study leave with pay study leave without pay is granted on confirmation etc officer who are on study leave with pay and in seduce training schemes are supported to be bonded, the length of time for a course determines the number of years the bond will be.
Length of time of course
Length of time of course

Number of years for book
2 academic year course (s) and above 
5 years
2 academic year course
3 years
1 academic year course
2 years
In the early 80” local government personal who take their training paper fully processed and had been granted study leave with fully in service entitlement have the privileges of enjoying financial assistance in form of tuition fees research granted etc, the state government has stopped study leave with full pay since 1990 .
        The payment of those allowances was however depended on some criteria likes
a)   The nature of the criteria’s
b)  The rank or grade level of officer(s) affected
c)    The lunation of the course(s)
d)  The geographical location of the training institution etc.
        The based role of this summary is that coordination and financial of programmes for training, it also ensure camphene with the continent for the training of local government personnel
        Each local government is expected to submitted the of personnel recommendation for training. The recommended employees and several ascertain of their local government and the staff followed the laid down procedure recommended staff
        The criteria laid down by the department of local government and Oke-Ero local government must before any staff can be sent on training are as follows;
1.  the need for the training must be established, that is does the employees need training for the purpose of acquiring communication skills, technical skills etc.
2.  there should been equal spread of training opportunities to all earns of staff seniority basis
3.  the course to be studied must be relevant to the officer for the particular officer’s candness
the department of local government experts the different local government areas of forward expense to those in training to its office for reimbursement, the reimbursement is taken from a central fund which is maintained principally for the training of local government staff.
        Any local government that does not seek approval for the training of their personnel will definitely not be reimbursed.
        The department of local government select topics which will be beneficially to majority of the local government staff and informs the local government concerned of the approval
        The important of local government personnel training was emphases by an author when he says or assented that “the success of any organization is largely dependent upon the effectiveness of its personnel administration’s He further said “ the success of local government can be measure in terms of its responsibilities to the many and greatly varied hanging recumbent of the local community’7
        It is believed that this responsibilities can occur if the local government is manned by highly qualified, experienced and competent employees who have a reputation of integrity and dedication to duty.
        Oke-Ero local government consider training and development as very important and employs a verify of training methods. There are differ nets in the training methods of the executives employees there is a variety of method like
            i.                on – job training
          ii.                seminars
        iii.                special meeting
         iv.                basket business games
The junior staff are however trained through the underlisted method
    i.        induction/ on the training
  ii.        organization of vestibule school
iii.        apprenticeship programmes understand
Since oke-ero local government considered training as highly important, her employees are encourages to go for further training   
Beach S.D (1975) Personnel the management of people at work new York, Macmillan publishing press
Sherrean A.W and ChruDEN H.I (1984) Management Human Resources OHIO South west publishing press
Flippo E. (1980) personnel Management New York Mac Graw Inlii.Inc
Henry Mintzbeng (1987) crafting strategy Hovered Business Review New York Macmillan publishing press
Cole G.A (1986) Management theory and practice London. The gunnery press co. limited
Nadler, Leonard (1984) the handbook of human Resources Development new york. John Willey and sons
Rodney W. (1972) How Europe Developed African Tanzania. The universal of Dares salam press
Hmai A.I (1999) Manpower training and development new York John wiley and sons
Oladosu S.A ET AL – (1992) Kaduna Essaus on local government. Kaduna Dosu Publication press
Training policy circular – NDLGSC /5/39/T.I/5 of 1st August 1991

        The research methods adopted for this study is questionnaire. This is done to illet responses form the respondents,. In analyzing, the questionnaire systematic sampling was also used to break the respondents into various segments
For this study the population of the respondents collected is 25. however, out of the 25 questionnaire distributed to the respondents only 23 was able to retrieved. Therefore, the population size of this study is 100. failure to meet up with the targeted researched time loss of questionnaire in transit and many other problems conspired to frustrated the full return of 25 questionnaire that were earlier dispatched. However, for time constraint, the sampling techniques applied is systematic. The population in a research is defined not only to identify the elements but also to enhance the measurement of certain characteristic which can be estimated and classified according to the requirement of the particular study
In any research process, the major ingredients are the data which are to analysis to find solution to the problems. The researcher has to decide which types of data to be needed and the techniques to collect the data 
(1)    PRIMARY SOURCES: These are data collected the primary sources, they are direct collection of facts and figures relating to the population in the census. It enables the researcher to collect the exact information needed. The data are clearly defined so as to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguities. The primary data are show in greater and can serve as a permanents record for the researcher. The methods of data collection in primary source of data are through observation and questionnaire
These are already collected by someone else, which are useful for the presents researcher, this types of data may be useful because of the following reasons
        i.        there may be time constraints in collecting the data
      ii.        it may be expensive
    iii.        the researcher may encounter difficulty in collecting such data from the primary sources
secondary date are not originated by the person conducting the inquires but arte taken from published sources like newspaper, journals records etc
The chi-square analysis on coordinating analysis would have been used but for the limited numbers of observed expectation, the method could not be used, therefore, the percentage  i.e method used is applied as shall be used in analyzed the five selected questionnaires
The hypothetical preposition that will be tested here is training can still achieved its goals and aspiration.
        In a case various findings and recourse have made this project valuable and intensive. A myroad of textbook, Journals, Newspapers and the likes have been consulted heavily and ensuring the doggedness on this project .
To crowned it up, documentation questions were also distributed to both Junior and senior personnel whose view are richly appreciated and useful.  

The number of questionnaire distributed to the staff of Oke –Ero local government secretariat form which the tables below were drawn is twenty five out of these twenty five (25) questionnaire, only twenty three were retuned and the information gathered from the twenty three questionnaire that were returned were used to prepared the table below. Also the percentages used for the analysis of the table is 100 percent.
        The first table indicated the responses to the question which says that Does oke-Ero local government have any training and development programme?
Number of respondents
 In the table above, it is clearly show that out of the twenty three (23) workers, that attempted the question on whether oke-ero local government have any training and development programme or not twenty workers respondent “yes” and they from 87% of the entire respondents that responded to the question. Also the remaining three workers answer “No” and they constitute 13% of the entire respondents
Number of respondents
The above table shown the responses of the workers that responded to the question on whether training and development have any influence on the performance of the workers or not. Those that responded “yes” were nineteen (19) in number and they stand for those that agreed that training and development have influence on the performance of the workers while on the performance of the workers while the remaining four (4) workers responded “No” and they stand for those that disagreed with the motion
Number of respondents
The above table show clearly that seventeen (17) workers out of the twenty three (23) workers that respondents to the question on whether training development changes the beahviour of the workers or not responded “yes” and those from 73.9% of the entire respondents while the remaining six (6) workers disagreed with the motion and they from 26.1% of the respondents that responded to the question.
Number of respondents
        From this table, it is also clearly shown that out of the twenty three workers that responded to the question which says that Does training and development of workers have any impact on organization productivity? Nineteen workers answer “yes” and this represent 82% of entire responded to the question while the rest four (4) workers respondents “No” and they represents 17.4% of the entire respondents
Number of respondents
        it is also shown in the table above that total number of workers that responded yes” to the question that is there any other benefits derived from training and development by the worker and the organization apart from the fact that it improves the workers performance and organization productivity is sixteen (16) and it represents 69.6% of the entire respondents that responses to the question while those that responded “No” were seven (7) and they represents 30.4% of the entire respondents
Number of respondents
        The question from which the response shown above were gathered form is that is training and development of workers the most effective ways of improving oragnisation productivity? It is seen from the table that the majority of the respondents that responded to the question responded “”Yes the number of which is eighteen (18) respondents 78.3% of the entire workers answered “No” and they represents 21.7% of the entire responded to the question
Number of respondents
        The responses shown in the above table was gathered to the respondents that responded to the question that does government make any provision for the training and development of the workers in their various corporation and parastatals? It is clearly indicated that fifteen (15) workers out of the twenty three workers that responded to the question answered “Yes” and they represent 65.2% of the entire respondents. While the rest eight workers (8) answered “No” and they made up the remaining 34.8% of the entire respondents.
Number of respondents
The above response indicates the responses of the respondents to the question which says . what is the nature of training and development polices and programmes used by the local government? Twenty one out of the twenty three workers that responded to the question answered that the nature of training used by the local government is efficient and it represent 91.3% of the whole responded that responded to the question, while two (2) workers responded that the training and development policies and programmes used by the local government is “inefficient: and it also represent 8.7% the entire respondents
        Oke Ero local government, was called out to the formen Ekiti local government Kwara State in the year 1997 by the Military Head of state and the commander of chief of armed force late General Abacha, the local government was created along with other new local government where there was agents need for the creation to at least make sure that the proper governmental machinery was brought to the grass =roots level.
        Oke Ero local government was carried out of the tem Ekti local government which has its headquarters at Aroromi – Opin. This is as a result of the facts that the local government was large in size and densely populated and cannot be governed by one government as a result of its population.
        It is therefore an attempt to ensure that there is proper development of government at the grassroots level that Oke –Ero local government was created out of the tem Ekti local government, as a new local government Oke- Ero started her administration with six (6) main department theses are;  
    i.        Department of health and medical service
  ii.        Personnel department
iii.        Department of finance
 iv.        Department of Agriculture and natural resources
   v.        Department of education, information and welfare
 vi.        Department of work, sand land Housing
        The power given to theses department is equivalents to the delegation of power from the state to effect government. The elutes of the various department will be discussed under the organizational structure of Oke –Ero local government, in this research order to fully understand the extent of training done in Oke –Ero local government.




Here, chi-square method would be used made use of in testily for the hypothesis through questionnaire, the following statement would be considered the hypothesis unclearly the research work
Ho:  that there is no significance different between the use of personnel training and development a determinates of organization productivity as a tool for organization survival.
Hi:   that there is significant different the use of personnel training as a tool for organization survival   
The analysis and interpretation of data in the above tables have shown the vitality and neutrality of training and development of worker in improving the performance of the worker in organization  productivities
Form the tables, the response of the respondents to the various question posed to them are clearly shown and it can be deduced form the responses to the various question that for any organization that want to cope wish the change in technology, job re-design and the change in the society at large must adopt training and development of its employees as a sure way to catch up with these changes.
Source; Research field survey 2011.

Bajipai S.R (1985) Method of social survey and Research London. The Guennsey press co. ltd
Abdullahi O.E (1995) Research Methodology in education, okel publishers and printing enterprise press Ilorin
Interview session held with Mr Olayinka Olajide S. – A personnel state of Oke Ero local government
Ubeku A.K. (1975) Personnel management in to Nigeria Benin Ethiopia publishing corporation  

5.1   SUMMARY 
This research work has asses the impact of training and development on the performance of workers and the overall productivity of the organization with particular reference to Oke-Ero local government which was chosen as the case study. It was discovered that training and development positive impact on the job performance of workers, it improves their skills, knowledge, expertise and experience on the job
Training and development are very vital to any organization that desires to grow and intends to cope with time changes. The training and development of human resources cannot be left to the educational institution alone, every organization, either private or public should be involved in the man power training and development. This however is not enough, since it is often done in an haphazard manner. That is there is no proper planning and evaluation of personal training and development .
Japan is a very good example of counties that normally give adequate training and development to their workers personnel. In Japan, private enterprises have developed their own training programmes before the educational institutions were established in their country. Training and development of human recourse which is the most vital resources  of the establishment , is very essential to any organization, society or country that desire to throw off the bond of economic back wordiness.
It was discovered that the local government chosen as the case study, does not have a separate officer that handles training and staff development. It is the personnel officer that combine such duty with his duties. As it can be seen through the analysis of data, training is very important and if it is well planned and thoroughly implemented, the performance of workers, will improve and at the same time, it will bring about increase in organization productivity.
It was pointed out that “there should be a planned system training of all employees to enable them acquires the necessary skills for their various jobs. To put an old chief clerk, who has never received any training is his life as personnel officer in place of an organization personnel officers is a disservice not only to that particular organization, but to the country at large. We are in a competitive world, and therefore, masseur up managers who can stand their place any where in the world”
Employees need to grow and developed on the job to avoid stagnation. Almost all that happens to workers after employment are training experience, so training should not be narrowed down purely to formal training programmes , seminars etc.
It was also asserted that “an organization must ascertain the training needs in an organization by there organization analysis.
The first one is the organization on analyze which analysis the goals and objectives of an organization. This will serve as a frame work on which training needs of workers cab be clearly established. The second analysis is the operational analysis are is concerned with the job and tasks to be done regardless of their analysis is the man analysis which establish the skills knowledge and attitudes of the presents workers in each position”.
The main analysis also find out the skill knowledge and attitudes the workers must posses and the need charge in behaviour desired, if such worker is to  help in accomplishing organization goals and objectives satisfactory.
The main analysis is carried out at the individuals level and information about the employees for example, appraisal records, personnel training records, result of counseling interview etc will be well analyzed.
The operation analysis is done at the job level the data about job activities are analyzed. Example of job data activities are job description, personnel specification communication and leadership activities.
Organization analysis is done at the organization level about the whole organization. Example of the things to be analyzed within the organization are, products or services, the structure of the organization, market and manpower requirement.
The important of training to the accomplishment of organization objectives cannot be over – emphasized. Examples and efficiency determine to a great extent, the success of organization. A systematic approach to training and organization approach should be blended and applied in organizations
        A systematic approach to training is complicated sophisticated and vital to large establishments like the local government, that have a large number of workers. The systematic approach to training is a tailored process of identification of specific training needed, drawing up of programmes to meet these needs implementation of training, making sure workers are helped to gain the skills, knowledge and attitudes lacked an efficient way and evaluation of how effective the particular training programme has been a follow up of more training that need to be affected and which need to be done
        The organizational development approach is aimed at resolving conflict in organization. It help to established working relationship and encourages team work.
        Systematic training and organization training approach are very essential to organizations and if Oke –ero local government can strictly adopt these training approaches theses will be a marked improvement in the success of their training programmes and the consequent performance of the workers on the job.
        It is also recommended that, hard working employees of the local government should be rewarded by giving such worker the privilege to go for training which will in turn encourage other workers working in the same organization to be committed to their duties so that such opportunity can be given to them.
        As part of the recommendation, he newly employed personnel should be given induction training in an organized manner from an experience staff rather than depending on what they learnt which is inadequate for the practical jobs they are to perform within the organization.
        More so, all categories cadres of workers from various department who have imported their best into the organization should be given equal opportunity for training and development and should not be restricted to certain aspect of the organization.
        The employees who have received training and have improved their performance on the job should be promoted shortly after the training exercised and given the appropriates benefits and entitlement that fits the new posts, as this will further enhance their commitment to their duties.
        Lastly, a department should be located with Oke-Ero Local government council that will be solely responsible for planning co-ordination, evaluation etc of training and  development programmes of the local government
5.3   CONCLUSION     
it is clear that training and development is very vital and essential factor in the process of improving the performance of the workers with an organization and at the same time seen as a very important means of improving organization productivity, it is therefore believed that any organization that want to improves the quality of work done by its employees and cope with the changing in technology and job redesign must strive very hard to make sure that it adopt training and development as a sure means / ways of achieving these objectives.
        Although Oke- Ero local government places a high priority on the training and development of her person and the training and development programmes have brought out a great improvement on the performance of workers. Consequently, the productivity of the organization has improves as a result of the adoption of training and development programmes for employees. However, there is still room for more improvement if the recommendations given in this research work is look into considered and implemented , some reasonable and considerable progress will be recorded if the recommendation given is strictly followed.

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