A central bank is the monetary authority established by the Government of a country to oversee the over all financial and banking transaction of the country. This is a bank at apex of the banking system serving as principal of all banks in such country, the central bank of Nigeria (C.B.N) occupies the position in this country.
             The background to the establishment of central bank of Nigeria (C.B.N) lies on the characteristic and deficiency of monetary system which preceded it. This was the currency board system a British colonial money system whereby the currency or legal tender obtaining in the colonies before independent and in some cases, such as (Gambia for some year after independent) was issued by a currency board. In the case of West Africa the issuing authority was Africa currency board (W.A.C.B).   
             The W.A.C.B was established in November 1912 following the recommendation of the Emoh communities appointed by the British colonial authority to study was and means of dealing with two basis necessities .
           One was financing the need of the export trade of the expatriate firm in west Africa and the other was the eradication of the confuse, in convenient and unsatisfactory currency position in British west Africa. The W.A.C.B was changed with four main functions the issue of a West Africa currency of exchange for existing currency, and investment of its resources.
           In the process, however it was characterized by three elements; fixed parity of local currency with starling, automatic issue and 100 percent sterling Converge. To the prominent of the system had many advantages for Nigeria.
These were the views of two British financial experts who studied the system very closely. According to one of theory 100% sternly coverage answered the exchange stability of the West Africa currency in term of sterling while automatic link with starling ensured that in term of financial stress, Nigeria could look to London for help which is a most important financial consideration.
      The deficiencies of WACB cannot be over emphasized in the first place, the currency issued by the board was not an independent currency unit. Indeed whatever its virtue the board had no reason for financial or monetary management. In particular the system was operationally rigid institutionally limited. Rigidity was the inevitable outcome of full coverage and automatic party with sterling.
      Furthermore, as it was automatic linking currency circulation of the balance of payment, it could manage.
       The board therefore lacks any power of monitory control and thus any power to imitate and execute monetary policy.
        Another serious short coming of the WACB may be mentioned, it did nothing to train Africa in the art of monetary management or to develop indigenous banking and other financial institution.
       Consequent to be inherent weakness or deficiencies of the currencies system coupled with banking.
        Facilities of the early fifties and because the WACB did nothing to develop the banking system, the serious debate the abolition of WACB and replacement by central bank of Nigeria ensured.
        After series of debate and recommendation, most especially J.B Loyness in 1957, favored the establishment of the central bank of Nigeria and by 17 march 1958 the central bank ordinance was promulgated and became full operational on 1st July, 1959.
        What to do to promote monetary stability and sound financial system? How do we issue legal tender currency in Nigeria? How do we maintain external reserves to safeguards the international value of legal tender currency? How do we act as banker and financial adviser to the federal government? How do we supervise the activities of the banking system and the economic? That of is to say, how to carry out its major objectives.  These questions and the likely problems that are likely to be face by central bank of Nigeria.
        The difficult in solving these problems and more appreciate when one considers the nature of complexity and massive activities involve in carrying out to major objectives and functions.
        This essay will examine the problem and constraints faced and by (CBN) and make necessary subjection to over come such problem and constraints.
            This study aim of enabling us to examine to superiority role which the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) plays in the financial system in the economy.
The primary aims of embarking on the project work are: -
     i.        To examine the role of central bank in the development of Nigeria Economy.
    ii.        To examine the function performed by central bank both the sectary and development function.
   iii.        To structurally compare the central bank with commercial bank in
  iv.        To examine unhealed the instrument which the central bank used in controlling the activities of commercial bank.
   v.        To access the extend to which the instrument of the central are effective and justified.
 vi.     To examine some of the problem of central bank of Nigeria.
        The secondary aim of undertaking this as a pre-condition for the award of the NATIONAL DIPLOMA certificate in accountancy Kwara state Polytechnic
             This project work becomes necessary as well as essential given the superiority role layed by the central bank of Nigeria in the bank system and also in the economy of Nigeria.
(1)         To highlight how the CBN carries one its superiority role over all other financial institution.
(2)         To bring to light, the instruction of control used by CBN over the commercial bank and other financial institutions.
(3)         Through this project work by analyzing the superiority role of CBN dues will be given as to future growth of CBN.
(4)         Advice will be given to bank on decision making as regards the functions performed by CBN.
           Therefore if all the point stated are well analyzed it will be possible for an outsiders with a knowledge of banking to understanding the CBN’s positions in Nigeria economy.
            Our research will be limited to the superiority play by the CBN based on the historical background of CBN and useful solution shall be offered to the obstacles facing the Central Bank in Nigeria economy.
            Essentially this research emphasis on the instrument of control used by the CBN in regulating the activities of financial system in Nigeria.
            During the course of carrying out this study the researchers encountered many problem and obstacle which affected the successful coverage of scope of study.
(a) Times constraints:-
            The researchers have to ration the limited available time between classroom lectures, reading and gathering for the study.
(b) Reluctance to Release information:-
          Some of the refuted information was not obtained because of severely or non-availability of the information.
(c) Prejudices and Bias:-
            This resulted in postponement of appointment for information that requires simple and concise answer.
This project work shall be divided into five chapters in the following order:-
Shall deal with the introduction to the project topic acquaint the reader more clearer on the statement of problem, background of this study, the significance, scope and limitation, and organization and plan of the study.
       Which is the literature review shall deal with, the role CBN in the development of required economy function of central bank and it shall compare the central bank with commercial banks i.e. sharing the differences between the central bank and commercial banks.
      The Chapter with case study and methodology
      The chapter shall discuss the historical background of the central bank of Nigeria, The research methodology of the study i.e data collection process.
        The chapter shall deals with presentation and analysis instrument of control used by central bank effectiveness of the instrument financial bank in Nigeria shall all be discusses in this chapter.
       This is concluding part of the project, conclusion to express writers view on the subject matter and recommendation will be on possible solution discussed in the previous chapter

2.1             LITERATURE REVIEW
         Banking industry is one of the important sector in the economy of all countries of the word and this is the reason why various groups of people such as authors, academicians and professional have made various comment on the banking system (financial system) and its practice, throughout the whole world and Nigeria banking industries is not an exceptions to this practice the comments of various interest reference to Nigeria banking system will be treated.
           Olaousi (1978) said that banking is the creation of man and that is started in Babylon about four thousand year ago, but modern banking started in Britain in 17th century and since then the industry has been witnessing structural changes which has led to the establishment of commercial bank, merchant bank, development bank and Central Bank within this industry.
            Ndekuru (1990) Said that central bank of Nigeria had a humble beginning when it started its operation in July 1959 with a public issue of its currency to replace the currency of West African board and of course the limited assigned to the bank with the conservative characters its objectives at the beginning.
            Where born by ratter negative attitude of official and academician who had earlier advised on the establishment of the bank because they misinformed by the orthodox concept of a central Bank as a bank of issue of currency theoretical    misunderstanding monetary management to means control of money supply alone.
            He further said anyone who looked at the assigned to the central bank of Nigeria by the original of 1958 and compared the operation of the bank between 1958 and 1960 (s) and now would be amazed by the bank tremendous growth and development process of Nigeria economy function assigned to the bank.
           The banking sector is one of the most regulated in any economy throughout the world and therefore the industry is witnessing the same things in Nigeria.
            Nwankwo G. (1988) said that virtually in all developing economics, the banking industry is more regulated then say any other commercial or industry section even in developing countries, the position is the same and can be said equivocally that banking is more heavily regulated in all countries than any other section.
           He further said that it is the uniqueness of banking because a bank is a financial institution that differ from other instruction due to its crucial product area
which is offering of demand or transaction deposit and undertake commercial handing such as it central to nation payment system, the centrally in the economic system and saving investment singles banking out for much heavier regulation them any other activity.
          Afolabi Li (1994) describe the management as part of the cause of distress by saying that bad management is singular factor that bear a high shear of cause of bank failure and reason for this base on the attractiveness in the mid stream of banking operation without proper grooming, ignoring the fact that banking is a district profession of its own intricacies of idiosyncrasies.
           The first recorded move toward the establishment of the central Bank of Nigeria was April, 1952 when members of the federal Houses of Representative proposed a private member of the motion for the establishment of Central Bank to perform those function generally expected of central bank.
           This motion was not passed by the house because the colonial authority considered the establishment of such a bank in the society being premature in view of the relative under development of the domestic financial system and the money market.
            However, on amendment to the motion calling on the government to examine and report to the house they possibility of establishing a Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was passed. Then the adviser of the Bank of England, MR.J.L Fisher was commissioned in 1952 to study the possibility and practicability of establishing the bank did not favour the proposal in the immediate future.
            It was World Bank mission to Nigeria in 1953 which regarded the request for a central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) expedient on the both political and national ground sand therefore, recommended a state bank of Nigeria. Subsequently, the government invited another adviser to the Bank in England MR.F.B.Lyoness in 1958 to the feasibility of establishing the bank and the recommendation made their formed the essential basis for the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) act of parliament, basis for the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) under the enabling Act, the policy and the government administration of the affairs and business of bank were the responsibility of the board of directors, made the governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) (as chairman), the deputy governor and five other part-time Director all appointed by the head of state.
            The Central Bank of Nigeria commended business on 1st July 1959 with an initial capital of N3.0 million.
          The traditional functions of the central bank have been the maintenance Of table domestic price and balance of payment equilibrium.
           But with the adoption of conscious economic planning by government, the central Bank in developing countries are now regarded as in important part of the planning machinery, so since 1950, African central bank have been essential development agencies. The Central banks in Africa have contributed to economic in various countries in various ways.
 i.        The Nigeria central bank has been helping in its provision of capital fund.
     This is done by promoting the growth of financial institution in the country.
ii.        It does this by supervising the commercial bank, and enforcing standard of operation though it bank examination department.
iii.        It sees to have viability of the country financial system. Hence it act is the leader of last resort in order to make liquid fund available to financial institution when need be. Also set up banks clearing house to assist the commercial bank to effect speedy clearing and to help them determine their net cash position promptly.
iv.        It instrumental to the development of the capital market the extend, it also, act as the under writer of government.
v.        It is also employs selective control of credit. This is the way by which it controls the tending capacities of the commercial banks. It used various devices like open market operation, bank rate, moral suasion and on.
vi.        It employs moral suasion channel credit into priority sections and away from low priority one in accordance with national priority, the central Bank seek to influence the commercial banks to channel their credit to preferred sector by issuing guide line or decreases in loans and advance to each section for instance, they were made to increase their loans to the agriculture sector.
vii.        In Nigeria before 1970, since expatriate banks did not give much loans to Nigeria businessman. But in 1970, the central bank gave specific instruction that every commercial bank should grant a minimum of 35% of if loans and advance to Nigeria. This has been helping the indigenous businessmen to develop their business.
viii.        Finally, it gives technical and consulting assistance to the government and business sector.
                     I.    It is the financial adviser to the government.
                   II.    It is initiator of the monetary policies. Therefore it has been assisting economics securities. It helps in the establishment used in the capital market, through which the financial institution can invert their temporary ladle funds domestic savings, discourage the transfer of such overseas.
                  III.    It mobilizes saving for investment, there in done by providing attending saving facilities and institutions and the maintenance of the real value of saving the central Bank provides median finance to the financial institution by rediscount but for between 2-5 years. This make the discounting houses give advances to businessmen.
                 IV.    It’s also active in export promotion.
                  V.    It has been given various forms of support to export in of other to increase foreign exchange carrying, for instance, like that of Ghana and Morocco, the Nigeria central Bank indirectly hands finds to the marketing board though the commercial bank and acceptance houses for the finance of export management by supply useful statistical data for and participating in economics planning.
       The bank in pursuance of if power of having the sole right of issuing note and coins throughout of Nigeria, issued the first Nigeria currency in 1959.The currency replaced the West Africa currency Board issued which were then in circulation in the four British West Africa countries. Since their, the farm and pattern of the Nigeria currency and political exigencies. The latest is the document currency which ward into circulation in 1984, while currency note are legal tender (must be taken in settlement of debits) up to coins can be used for any particular transaction.
         This is to ensure that people are not unduly inconvenienced by being freed to take coins to take excess of what can be reasonable carried about. Thus 1/2k and 1k coins are legal tender up to a limit of 10k while 560k, 10k and 25k owe legal tender up to a limit of NB20 for any one of transaction.
          The strength of any currency on the international share depends on certain factor, paramount trade and the size of it external reserves will enable the country to safeguard the international value of its currency.
          This mainly used external used reserve is in playing for air imports good and services and selling our external debit all arising from transaction with other nations. This the bank ensure that the total resumes
          (T E R) is not less than 2520 of the total dam and liabilities of the bank at any given time.
         The central bank of Nigeria, under the exchange control act of 1962, has the joint responsibility with the federal ministry of finance, of interpreting administrating the exchange control regulation in the country with the emergency of foreign exchange market in Nigeria and the relaxation of exchange control the bank participate in the supply and mention the use of foreign exchange in the market.
       This bank kept the accounts of the federal 900 eminent institutions such as universities and research institution.
        It is responsible for flooding all internets borrowing of the government though the issue Nigeria Treasury bill.
       Treasury certificates and the various federal republic of Nigeria Development borrowing (both internally and external.) It has the responsibility for the formulation and execulation of monetary policy in the economy for the purpose they make use of monetary policy tools of effective of which one of the equality ratio, selective credit selling cash reserve requirement and moral situation. The monetary and credit policy small 1987 has been designed within the context of the implementation at the structural adjustment programmed (SAP) to curb excessive demand preserve and stability the economy. This has had a solitary impart the succeeding year.
           The central bank of Nigeria renders seller service to the general public and the importance of these services can not be over-emphasized.
           One of the services is the exchange of note and coin in the derived denomination, for the purpose, air exchange cashier is always of the service of the general public in due banking office. For those member of public whose note are torn, burnt, stained, dyed, or for one reason or the other mutilated, the central bank has the responsibility of withdrawing old and duty notes from circulation and replace them with new notes.
          As a center for research, the bank provide statistical data on economic and financial matters, the bank dose this through its publication like the annual report, the half year report, economic and financial revenue, the monthly report e.t.c.
           One of the objects of the bank as enumerated in the central Bank Act in the promotion of sound financial structure in the economy.
           In essence, the bank to changed with the responsibility of development in money and capital market in the country for the development of the markets in banks issued and redeems treasury bills and treasury certificate manage the bank unity funds(NUF) and process application from bank for the issuance of negotiable certificate of deposit (NCO).As for as the capital market concurred the bank issue and redeems federal Republic of Nigeria help development strode for the purpose of central bank of Nigeria helps in the small measure in the development of financials institution such as the securities exchange for investment purpose.
        In a bid to enhance agriculture productivity in the economy, the federal government set-up the agricultural credit quarantine scheme, the management of which has been entrusted with the bank under this scheme, an initial fund of N 100 million was reedited into quadrant up of a maximum of 75% what even credit the commercial and meridian bank extend to the for wars co-operative societies as went as state government that engage in agricultural from this fund claims in respect of loans which can not be recovered are met by the banks.
       It should be noted, however that the essence of the whole exercise is to encourage the bank to extent credit to the agricultural sector. However unpredictable it may appear to be.
     i.        The central bank is a government owned financial institution which commercial banks are owned by private.
    ii.        The central Bank is not set-up purposely to make profit even though. It makes profit when performing its function as a motion curse, the commercial banks an the other hand are set-up make even the maximum profit.
   iii.        The Central Bank is the sole issuer of the national Currency bank in bringing currency into the circulation.
  iv.        The central bank act as a banker to commercial bank whereas commercial bank acceptance of deposit from customers, given them loans and financial advices but they do not perform these functions to central bank.
   v.        The central bank controls the operation of the commercial banks by given directive, instruction and persuasion to them, on how they should give out loans, interest they should charge e.t.c on the other hand, and commercial banks do not control the operation of the central banks.
  vi.        The central banks do not accept deposit from member of the public. The central bank is not set to make profit but to cater for the government and other financial houses, its operation are not open for private individuals. The commercial are set-up for profit oriented. They accept deposit from private individual because, the more of such deposit they could get, the more profitable transaction they could make.


              The project will give Nigeria the opportunity to know the superiority role of the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the financial sector.
              It will let the people know powerful the central bank is in the financial system of Nigeria and how they play their superiority role. It will also serve as reference for student who wants to know about the financial institution in Nigeria.
3.2    Data collection instrument  
            The purpose of the study is to find out the superiority role the central bank in financial system.
            Chapter one of the studies is on introduction, background of the study statement of the problem, objective of the study, sign finance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and the organization and plan of the study.
            This area of the study deals with the methodology and how data are collected.
            We intend to employ the under-listed method in the collection of analysis of our data namely:  
§   Oral Interview.
§  Official Document.
§  Journal and Business times.
§  Relevant Text.
            The choices are based on the native of the project and relevant answer required. These answer are needed within the limited time, interview and observation are used in this research because of the following reasons.
         i.        There is a wide area to be covered by the research work and interview will result in drawing a lot of question which might not be possible to answer for quite long time.
        ii.        It will also waste time and adequate answer may not be given because the space or the extent to which the responded can write is limited.
       iii.        Because this type of project is descriptive. It does not require YES or NO but proper and precise explanation.
          Most of us that have to spend our mid-semester in LAGOS and we were able to pay visit to Central Bank Lagos Head Office, there fore, we make proper injury particularly how Central Bank of Nigeria play a superiority role in financial system and we observed how those instrument of control have being effective.
          The use of sending questionnaire to the respondent together with information relevant to this study is not adequate. We conducted an oral interview with some selected staff of Central Bank, Lagos, and the right answer exposing more to the operation of central bank of Nigeria financial system.
          We make use of the official journal published by the Central Bank of Nigeria and the business. Time so as to sufficient information for this research work.
              Like all central Bank in the world, the central bank of Nigeria possesses on among of tools to control or regulate the activities of commercial banks in credit creation. Indeed when compared to all other central bank in the world. Then central bank of Nigeria can be regarded as one of the most powerfully equipped. It is the task of this chapter to examine in details the use and mode of these tools by the central Bank of Nigeria.
             It is conventional to classify these instruments of control into three main categories i.e. quantitative tools, cost tools, and directional tools. However, since monetary policy is concerned with the availability, cost and direction of credit, It is more appropriate to classify and discus the tools under three main heeding, for instance, according to their primary operation. While the classification is necessary for analytical purpose, the impression should not be created that their effect or operations are limited to confirm to their area of primary impact. All the tools whether quantitative, cost or directional, eventually operate are have impacts on the availability, cost and direction of credit, with the above hints let us now proceed to classify and the instrument or monetary control availability to the central bank of Nigeria.
             This refers to sales and purchase of government securities. On the open market by CBN, if the bank wishes to reduce the volume of money supply, it will sell securities through broker on open market.
              The buyer will pay for these securities with cheques drawn on their account with the commercial Banks.
              The bank i.e. central Bank of Nigeria which now holds these cheques will thus debit the account of the commercial with itself, this falls in banks deposits represents a fall in the commercial bank cash reserves. If they were previously operating at the desired ratio, the bank will now reduce their deposit liabilities says by calling in advances to their customers by selling assets or by effusing to grant new advance. If the bank were previously operating with a cash reserve ratio above their closure ration, however, the potential that exist for them to expend their deposit is reduced. Not this in this case if the bank i.e. Central Bank of Nigeria uses open market operation to reduce the money supply, the official intention may frustrated as long as the bank cash reserves ratio, main above the desired level, conversely if the central Bank of Nigeria wish to expand the supply of money, it will instruct its broker to buy securities on the open market, it will pay for them with cheque drawn on its self. The seller of these securities will deposit those cheques with commercial bank which will present them for payment to the central bank of Nigeria.
               The central Bank of Nigeria will credit the commercial banks account and this will be a position to undertake a multiple expansion of bank deposit
          The central bank of Nigeria deposit with it calls for special deposits are normally express as a uniform percentage of each bank total eligible abilities.
           Special deposit normally earns bitterest at a rate equivalent to Treasury bill rate. As special deposit are compulsory, by using them, the central bank of Nigeria can be sure of reaching the bank liquid assets, and they are equivalent to an open market sales, in that they reduce the bank ability to increase credit and consequently money supply is reduced.
           Is the term applied when CBN attempts to lengthen then the maturity of out standing government debt? The bank restricts its Treasury bill issue and sells longer dated securities. These reduce the commercial bank cash reserve and thus restrict their capacity of expanding bank deposit.
             This is another technique used by central bank of Nigeria in its aspect of monetary control. Usually commercial bank are requested to reserved certain percentage quite difference from spaced deposit with the central bank in a situation where the CBN informed to increased its cash ratio, this reduce the credit multiple and consequently. Money supply falls the more; this is usually effective in an inflationary economy. But, in practice, the action is not likely to be taken very often because it may bring undesirable descriptive effect of financial system. In practice, bank may force to hold cash reserved in excess of legal requirement, but usually happened if there were not enough potential borrowers of a satisfaction credit standing.
             This is rate at which central bank discount the first class bull of exchange i.e. the rate at which CBN advanced bank to the other financial houses such as commercial and discount houses.
             Change in the rate of interest at which central bank of Nigeria transacts business with other financial houses are often linked with the use of open market operation (O.M.O). Consider the case where the CBN sells securities in air attempt to reduce the supply of money.
              The sale of securities depressed their princess and so raises interest rates.  As explain above, the commercial bank cash refers is reducing so that they may call their loans from the discount houses.  The discount may be force to borrow from the Central Bank of Nigeria as leader of last resort.  In order to influence the up ward movement of interest rate generally, the Central Bank of Nigeria as leader of last result.
              In order to influence the up ward movement of interest rate generally, the Central Bank of Nigeria may force.  An increase in the interest rates in the bill market.
                    This is a function of bank rate in the sense that bank rate determine the amount of interest rate to be impose by the Commercial banks.
Bank rate and interest rate varies directly and proportionately, an increase in bank means an increase in the interest rate also and in a nutshell interest given by the Commercial banks.
                     UNDER DIRECTIONAL TOOLS
             The Central Bank of Nigeria is the apex of Nigeria financial institution, but may not consider itself so various that it must hare to be obeyed by the other bank, its role in the banking Community dictates in the discharge of its statutory duties.  Moral suasion is persuasive tools intended to convince the bank of the important of adhering to state policies on money and banking.
             Through it activities, it attempt to educate banking Community of the money market situation.  The regular Seminars diners and Conferences of the Nigeria institutes of Bank and Bankers Committee are important avenues for central Bank to virtualize it policies and the need for the other bank to Comply.
B.        REQUEST
               From time to time, the central Bank of Nigeria request banks to channel their lending into certain areas, for instance, in April, 1973 the bank of England asked bank to provide Finance for both working capital and fixed investment by manufacturing industries and for the expansion of export and the saving of imports.  To achieve these goals, bank were asked to restrain other landing in particular to persons and property companies and for purely financial transaction.  Both moral suasion and requests of central bank of Nigeria are tools under directional instrument of control used by the central bank of Nigeria.
              The effectiveness of monetary policy depends on other factors within the economy.  This includes the institutional framework, government policies and the awareness of the banking habit in the economy, for instance how does one explain a situation where monetary policy aims at curbing inflation but, fiscal policy embarks on budget deficit?
               The federal and state government embarked on budget deficit in an coupled with expenditure on many prestige projects.  It should be clearly noted that if oil (petroleum) that contributes more than 90% of the federal government revenue is not under the direct control of the central Bank of Nigeria.  It cannot be possible i.e for every monetary tools of the central bank of Nigeria to be effective in any ways but because this had not been so, all other CBN tools are effectively made us of.  In essence, these are the ways by which the Central Bank of Nigeria had effectively used its monetary tools.  In addition, the application of monetary tools have been varies since the establishment of the Central Bank of Nigeria in 1959,  four period were notable in the application of monetary tools in Nigeria? They are:
a.      Passive period
b.      The war and reconstruction period
c.       The inflation period
d.       The post military or
                 The first two are clearly explain below:
        Which was part of the passive period attention was focused on achieving.
1.      A balance of payment on achieving
2.       Furthering the development process
          The widening deficit and the fallen external reserves, which could not support up to four months minimum level of imports led to the imposition of restraints from October, 1964 monetary tool were directed at developing the more productive sector of the economy to exclusion of less importance productive sectors.  Tools employed include selective control on the rate of aggregate individual bank was and advances. Reduction of the proportion of Commercial.
          Bank’s liquid assets held abroad restrain in loan to less important and have purchase were involve.  According to Chief S.B Falegan, the objectives were to contain domestic demand and there by the drain on foreign exchange reserves the focus of the policy was the balance of payment.
          These periods witnessed the following monetary policies.
         I.    Conversion of foreign exchange reserves
       II.    Rising of adequate funds for financing the Nigeria civil war.
      III.    Combating the amounting inflationary pressures by encouraging the      expansion of the productive sector.
               The period saw an increase overall balance of payment deficit from N18 million in 1966 50 N7 million in 1967.  The astronomical rise in imported war equipment and capital flight due to civil war were all responsible.  The rapid expansion of military expenditure necessitated the other two items a bore.  The over all policy adopted during the period was a relatively change monetary policy because of the slowing down of economic activities.  These was the removal of credit guide line lowering of the discount  rate from 5-4.5% in 1968 and the raising of volume of treasuring bill from 50-80 percent of estimated from time current revenue.  The CBN Decree of 1968 further enhanced the power of the central bank.  It acquired the power to prescribe from time cash reserve ratios to deposit liability which the commercial banks should maintain with it, to can for special deposit and impose a credit calling on them and to issue, allocate and to purchase stabilization securities from financial institutions.  The critical appraisal of the monetary policy shows that they were effective but the question is how and what CBN can do to political other major sources of government revenue to enable it to perform more effectively like it had politicalize the petroleum industry.  This is a question on which researchers in the CBN may wish to focus their attention on.
      The major financial institutions where Africa are central Bank, which each country established after the dissolution of west Africa currency Board.  The central Bank co-ordinate the financial policies, specialized institution such as development bank, merchant bank and insurance companies.  The central Bank of Nigeria was established in 1958, the bank of Ghana in 1959, Bank of sierra-leon in 1963, Gambia currency Board in 1964, Apart from the Mangue central dissertates de Afrique del quest (BCEAO) which was established for a French speaking west African countries such as Guinea and Mali have their separate central Banks This however did not affect their relationship with (BCEAO) in the field of commercial banking expatriate bank such as the Bank of west African, Barclay bank, standard bank and UBA. Control over 70% of West African Banking business.  The capital markets in West African countries are still young and centers of sales of government stock and companies share are few in each countries.
           Central Bank is responsible for issue of currencies.
They also oct as banker to commercial banks under of last resort and agent of economic development while commercial bank accept for payment on safe keeping of valuable goods and services. The financial institution in the capital market such as the stock exchange, development bank and financial corporation, merchant and investment banks, insurance companies and building houses held in giving medium term and long-term loans and investment in various project through the insurance of stocks and shares.
        In spite of impressive performance and tremendous growth in the bank financial operation and management of the economy, the Central Bank is confront with some monetary problems. The structure of the Nigeria economy remain the same, inflation is constants economic growth, bank are still being called into respo0nsibility of their external fund, unemployment is soaring foreign debt over -  long threaten the nation confidence in international economic relations and pole an extermination of the naira issued by central bank itself. A major source of the inability of the CBN development of significantly restructure the economy in correspondence to its development is the lack of what we wish to describe as “transformation management” of the economy. The bank gradually transformed itself from bank with a limited function to gigantic reputable organization without the transformation being corresponding injected in to the financial system and real economic. It is true that the CBN promoted and - encouraged agricultural financial institution remained with the traditional frame work of banking system in particular operated at the periphery and the conventional short and very short of the financial sector. Thus, although, some transaction occurred in the sector, this was not managed to bring their impact to beat on the real sector, another major difficulty of Central Bank is their importance or unwillingness to exercise monetary restraint to the extent necessary to deal with any flared up situation or even to apply to required measures on the time, similarly, they are often primarily concerned with the immediate effect or actions rather than longer from implications. More so, one of the problems of the Central  Bank of Nigeria can be faced to the technique of control of the banking system i.e open market operations. The most important transaction tools that the CBN has for influencing the supply of money is the purchase or sale of government bonds on the open market.
How ever, as a result of the under development nature of over financial system, in general and the money market in particular this instrument has not been effectively used in Nigeria. In addition the central bank finds it difficult to Control the money in circulation for the fact that majority of the populace save their money personally or the traditional behavior of holding their saving inside their pots and calabashes of instead and of saving with the bank ; As a result, the Commercial  bank has only power to raise the interest rate on the few that is sowed with them.         
      Further more, the central bank of Nigeria’s responsibility of supervising the banking system with a view to ensuring amount other, the banks comply with the banking act and subsequent.
    Amendment, and in particular that the central bank of Nigeria credit guideline as contained in the monetary policy auricular card inflation in the country by the central bank of Nigeria, here effort are always thwarted. The plight of the central bank become clearer with the realization that inflation in Nigeria has been identified with factor e.g credit expansion by the commercial bank lastly, expansion by the bank of over Nigeria has not been able to have branches all over Nigeria to facilitate easy banking system or operations.

                              CHAPTER FIVE
          The work done so far provide through consideration of the central bank superiority role in financial system in Nigeria.
          A close look at the whole revealed that there is difference between theory and pratices. The central bank of Nigeria has contributed to economic development of the nation in various ways such as provision of capital fund for financial institution in the country, institution to the development of capital market bole saving for investment, also active in export promotes its employs moral suasion to channel credit into priority sector and finally it gives technical and consulting assistance to the governments and business sectors.
         The C.B.N in carrying out its superiority role has many function to perform. These financial include among other the following issue of legal tender currency, maintain of external reserve promotion of monetary stability and sound financial system and act as banker and financial adviser to federal government.
          Also C B N has its description interment of control are rediscounting rate, interest, require reserve open market operation selection credit special deposit and moral suasion.
         The central Bank of Nigeria in maintaining it superiority in sinclair  system has to supervise and monitor the activity of bank.
          This is done through the banking supervisor and examination of both off-set through the statutory submitted by the bank and on-set through visitation by central bank of examined their books records keeping method and internal control system.    

          With the realm of the write up project few have been said about the performance and contribution of the central bank of Nigeria. In the past 43 years the Central Bank of Nigeria has engage itself in the primary function of monetary management and development of sound structure.
          Its role in the economy will contrive to growth with increasing expansion of the part played by the central bank of Nigeria in the growth and development of Nigeria financial system and of the economy as a whole will LJ
make weather if a development country can make desirable economic progress without such an institution activity as the supervisor of the financial system and as a most reliable constant and adviser to the government on general economy matters.
          Moreso, the power of the Central Bank should be more intrusively utilized most reliable consultant and advise to the domestic economy. The bank cannot afford to set in splendid isolation twisting its thrums while scarce financial resources of the economy are out down by banks in pursuit
          The bank will grow stringer if the economy is strong and when the value of its issue is we are of the opinion that CBN is capable of fostering the country’s financial economic development assigning its operation economic condition and need with well guide prudent financial behaviours.
          Management of the bank would required first and foremost the integration of the banking segment with the rest of the financial sector in the economy.
          An attempt to achieve this was partially made in the 1967-69 amendment in the amendment reserve assistance requirements were applied to all “function institution” that do banking business. By the definition of a bank is the banking decree No. I of 1969, acceptance houses were included but excluding line purchase institution and insurance companies. New bank of the first time came under the ambit of monetary policy. The traditional discrimination which near bank institution are excluded from monetary control was only very partially minimized monetary control should apply to all financial institution under transformational monetary management.
          Secondly, the CBN should endeavour to formulate some monetary measure to deal with any unwanted situation they should try to issue out guidelines at the beginning of each financial year.
          Also, the CBN in conjunction with federal government should form a task force committee who go round and fish out money market in the public. The government can enact some laws to guide this aims furthermore, for a bank to expand her tentacle, we are commending the effort of Central Bank in decentralization its activities each state to such as CBN branch.
          Rural bank should be able to understand asset and motivate rural people to utilize the facilities. They should go out and not wait for the rural people to come to them.
          In addition, we will like to recommend that central bank should be given power to control some relevant aspects of the operation. The federal government and all financial institution, if this recommendation is accepted by the government of Nigeria, this will be useful as the ability of CBN to control the growth sector of the financial system such as insurance, and line purchase sector, will enhance it overall effectiveness.
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