Labour as a factor of production is different from other factors like material, machinery and money in as much as it has a way of its own. The importance of human factor in efficient and successful management of industrial enterprises is for the management to think in terms of providing some machinery for managing men. The proper management of human factors in an organization involves careful handling of relationship among the individual to work. Personnel management in a modern sense is only but a sub – system of modern scientific management system which is concerned only with the operational function of management in an organization or institution.
Personnel management requires a personnel manager whose work is to carry out those personnel management function has made its function two fold. The operative and management functions. The operation is central to the personnel manager in an organization.
The operative function of personnel manager is multi – dimensional and pivoted in the realization of the pre – determined objectives of the organization. The personnel manager is the link man between the workers and management. His responsibility is to bring management policy decision to the knowledge and understanding of the workers and tries to integrate it with the organisation objectives in order to achieve greater success.
He also used to maintain high level of discipline among his staff. The discipline should be seen from the point of obedience on the part of both the subordinates and the superior officers. A discipline workforce is ensured to be productive workforce.
In Nigeria today, personnel managers are confronted with some problems. The major part is the delicate position occupy, which is to maintained peace between the trade union and the management and is caused by lack of understanding and identification of duties.
Promoting and problem facing personnel mangers or training on the other hand, the establishment may want to promote few as the existing vacancy dictates of few training vacancies exist. This causes problem of favorism, tribalism and bribery.
The end result is ineffective management of an organization. Never the les, for a staff to be able to put in his / her best, he needs to be motivated. This may be inform of presenting medal-ment award and promotion and out cash award.
More so, among the problems encountered by organisation in the manpower planning these are:
(i.)                Completing of modern business organisation often make manpower information difficult to come by most organisation tend to their strategies secret.
(ii.)              Inadequate communication and poor reporting between manpower planning executives and other managers make forecast and planning difficult.
(iii.)            Forecast can field gross estimate of personnel requirements in the future, but management as one manpower planner commented, “takes action on specific not on total”
(iv.)             Although it is possible to predict the approximate number of vacancies that will occur in an organisation as a result of workers atoning retirement age but it is more difficult.
1.          To examine the role of personnel management in an organisation
2.          To identify the impact of effective requirement and selection an organizational productivity
3.          To examine the impact of employee training on job performance
4.          To see how employee payment affect the productivity in the organisation
5.          To serve as the basic for further study in the related field
6.          Justice within an organisation; Ensure employees are paid at the right time in full. Employee should be promoted according to their skill level.
7.          Personally: Management must pay attention toward personality development of all employees
8.          Co-operation; maintain good relations between management and employees.
9.          Democracy: A co-operation must be modeled as a democratic society.       
The importance of the study in an organisation cannot be over emphasized. No matter how big or small the organisation must be policy making and setting of organisation objectives with matter of human relation in operational instrument and as aspect of personnel manager.
Apart from the fact that the work is to be carried out as partial fulfillment of the award of National Diploma, will also provide insight to both the writer and readers and it will serve as references for any of the research work.
1.     GOVERNMENT: It helps the government in many     ways.
i.      it help them in selecting effective and important employment
ii.     Employee service: This is the work rendered by employee to the organisation to achieve their aims and objectives
2.     RESEARCHERS:  It help in knowing more about life and made what has been shady to them clear.
ii.     It helps in gaining more knowledge.
iii.    It also help to serve as basic for further study in related field.
iv.    Cooperation: It enables us in maintaining good relation between one and another  
v.     it help us in being the best of employees.
vi.    Communication.
3.     INDUSTRY/ MARKET / PUBLIC:   This is the environment or area which researcher made their research or point.
1.     It helps in developing their skill.
The scope of the work is restricted to the topic” The role of personnel management on an organisation. Absolutory explanation has been made on the study matter, that is to test how effective role pf personnel management use on an organisation. The rational institute of personnel management regards the function of personnel management as the task of dealing with human relationship within and organisation. It mention three aspect
i.            Welfare aspect: deals with working conditions and amenities.
ii.          Labour or Personnel aspect: it is concerned with recruitment, placement of employee, remuneration, promotion etc.
iii.        Industrial relation aspect: it is concerned with trade union negotiation, settlement of industrial dispute, collective bargaining.
1.)    Financial Limit: This is a problem faced toward conducting this research work. Lack of adequate financial from transporting myself from one location to another in order to get adequate information on the research work.
2.)    Respondent: This is a problem faced in the course of conducting the research from the respondents is not easy. The respondents at time decide not to disclose certain information they regard as official of confidential to the cooperation. The information gather are not easily from the respondents.
3.)    Time: The process of conducting this research work is time consuming. The researcher finds it difficult to meet the lecturer time and the schedule time to visit the local government and gather relevant information for the study.
This research work has been carefully arranged as to contain the following chapters
Chapter one: The chapter one of this research works focuses on the introduction of the study. Followed by the background of the study, statement of problem, significance of the study and objectives of the study. The scope and limitation of the study explained the area for which the research work will cover. The organisation of the study that shows how the work is organized from chapter one to three. The various terms. Finally References was made to gibe account for the various material used in the research work.
Chapter two: The chapter two of this research work explains literature review of the study. Introduction and the theoretical framework were given account for current trend in thinking, summary of the entire chapter finally concluded by references.
Chapter three:   The chapter three of this research work stated with data presentation analysis and interpretation of findings, introduction, and brief history of the study Ilorin West Local Government is made. Data presentation analysis of data, testing of hypothesis, summary of the chapter and finally referencing. The last of the research work contains Summary, Recommendation and conclusion and Summary of the findings. Recommendation, Conclusion and References to end the work made.
Research methods are the procedure designed to discover fact or carryout investigation. A strategy used in collection and analysis of data.
In this research problem there is the need to have knowledge of the methods to be used in order to guide in solving of the research problem. The research problem was termed with descriptive method or type of research methodology in order to the problem the way they stand.
The descriptive approach entails giving actual view on the existing nature of the problem. It is meant to asses situation in order to make generalization.
However, every information in this research work are given in accurate to the way and current situation at which they stand.
Population: A group of individuals or items that share one or more characteristic from which data can be gathered and analyzed.
A group of people within a research.
A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area.
Population is about people, and dwellings, location and environment that people live in; population can be defined in many ways i.e. by age ethnicity, type of housing, birth place or location.
1.     Population size: This refers to the total number of people living within a defined area, or it can refer to a group of people from a defined area that has similar characteristics (e.g. children aged 0 t0 4 years)
2.     Population structure: this describes the relative numbers of people with similar characteristics within a population. For example age group, sex, and ethnicity. The structure of a population shows how the sub-group within it affects composition and characteristics.
3.     Population distribution: distribution of population within a defined area can be an important factor to consider in planning and analysis work, for example clusters of families in only some suburbs of a city could influence planning for future school replacement.
4.     Measuring population: population can be measured in three ways; actual counts of people, estimates of changes in actual counts due to population growth from birth, death, and migration and projections of changed to future numbers of inhabitants.
Sampling can be explained as the act, process or techniques of selecting a suitable sample, or a representative part of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or characteristic of the whole population.
1.)    Probability sampling: This is one in which every unit in the population has a chance (greater than zero) of beings selected in the sample, and this probability can be accurately determined.
The combination of these traits makes it possible to produce unbiased estimates of population totals, by weighing, sample units according to their probability of selection. Probability sampling include: Simple random Sampling, Systematic sampling, stratified sampling, probability proportional to size sampling and cluster or multistage sampling.
2.)    Non probability sampling: Non probability sampling is any sampling method where some elements of the population have no chance of selection (these are sometimes referred to as out of coverage/ under covered), or where the probability of selection can’t be accurately determined. It involves the selection of element based on assumptions regarding the population of interest which forms the criteria for selection. Non probability sampling includes. Accidental sampling, Quota sampling and purposive sampling.  In addition, non response effect may turn any probability design into a Non – probability design if the characteristic of non response are not well understood, since non – response effectively modifies each element’s probability of being sampled.
Data collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data collection can impact the result of a study and untimely lead to invalid result.
        Data collection methods for imparts evaluation varies along a continuum. At the one of end of this continuum are quantitative methods and at the other end of the continuum are qualitative methods and for data collection.
A      PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: Researcher often use this method of collecting data from the general public. The interview may be oral or a record interview whereby the interview is recorded in a cassette and could be played back when required. Although the interview may be expensive, it is also noted for it wide reach
B.     THE QUESTIONNAIRE: The most commonly use method of data collection is the questionnaire. It is very important that the questions are clear, simple and easy to understand.
A questionnaire should be properly arranged so that the respondent is not easily put off. The researcher should design the questionnaire in a language that is easily understood, because he will not be there to render explanation as is done in the face to face interview.
C.     OBSERVATION: Another method of data collection device widely used in commerce and business observation method. The interview and questionnaire are mostly used for market research and social surveys. In a business environment, the only method of determining the article that will move in the market is just by observing the market trend, having in mind the said article. The observation techniques can also be used by social scientist hearing the habits of group communities. For example a group of workers, this could be done by monitoring the attendance of the workers for a given period of time.
In order to have a first hand information of the research work with particular references to the Ilorin West local government.
        The two major methods of data collection were dully used quantitative and qualitative sources of data collection.
        The quantitative data collection instrument, rely on random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined responses categories. They are ideals note added by the researcher itself toward the attainment of the objective of the research work. The various interview made could be a relevant example of quantitative sources of data collection.
        The Qualitative data collection method play all important role in impact evaluation by providing information useful to understanding the processes behind observed results and asses chances in people perceptions of their well being. Furthermore, qualitative methods can be to improve the quality survey based qualitative evaluations by helping generate evaluation hypothesis, strengthening the design of survey questionnaires and expanding or clarifying qualitative evaluation findings.
        The method used in analysis and presenting the gathered information or data for the study are the means through which the research is presented and interpreted.
        It is based on the extent of the data obtained from the respondents. The use of interview method was used to get adequate information from the respondents.
        Due to this fact, sample and percentage method were use. The percentage method use enables the researcher to get quickly the definite understanding of the compassion of ideals, data or information being explained through this aid.
The findings in this chapter revealed the functions and the roles of personnel management in Ilorin west local government.
        This chapter also shows the analysis of the data gathered and collected which is used in examining the role of personnel manager in various departments to perform effectively and efficiently in an organization so that such organization set goals or objective is attained or achieved.

The literature review of the research work deals with the widely scope of knowledge about the subject matter itself. It also entails the contributions, findings, comments and views of various scholars related to the subject matter.
It is the analysis of document containing information about the research problem provided by other scholars, in relation to the subject matter.
The national institute of personnel management (Outedla Rakesh k. chopra. Opcite page 20) regards the function of personnel management as the task of dealing with human relationships within an organization. It mentions three aspect of personnel management.
a)   the welfare aspect
b)  the labour or personnel aspect
c)   the industrial relations aspect
(a)    Welfare aspect: it is concerned with working conditions and amenities such as canteen, crèches housing, and personal problems of workers, schools and recreation.
(b)    Labour or personnel aspect: this is concerned with recruitment, placement of employee, remuneration promotions, incentives and productivity
(c)    Industrial relations aspect: - it is concerned with trade union negotiation, settlement of industrials dispute, joint consultation and collective bargaining
Dale yoder (ibid page 21) mentions seven functions of personnel management.
a)   setting general and specific management for organizational relationship and establishment and maintaining a suitable organization for leadership and cooperation
b)  collection bargaining, contract negotiation and contract administration
c)   Staffing the organization finding, getting and holding prescribed type and number of workers.
d)  Aiding in self development of employees of all level
e)   Developing and maintaining motivation for workers
f)    Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organization
g)   Industrial relations research carrying out studies designed to explain employees behaviors and thereby affecting improvement in manpower management

The theoretical framework of this research work can be described to the theoretical perspective of the research work. It is basic approaches that help in the understanding of the research, problem in theoretical aspect.
In the course of this research work, it is adequately needed to give accurate findings, in relation to the subject matter in the theoretical aspect.
The concept of personnel management has over existed since human existence; however, it later grew to become applied. Professional field of work as well as an academic discipline than deceiving much of its foundation. From the social science. Although human begins have form durable organization for the purpose of goal, accomplishment. It is only in recent years that an organized body of knowledge evolved and developed encompassing. The theory and practice of personnel management.
An analysis of the definitions given above shows that according to H.R.D concept.
1)          employees in the organization are a human resources
2)          That there is the need to develop their potentialities for their as well as organization benefit.
3)          The work environment in the organization should be so conducive to inter-relationship of the workers and management that the workers identify themselves with the objectives of the organization.
4)          That its increases pride in the workers as member of the group and image of the organization.
Personnel management function can be divided into two categories.
Managerial functions and operative function. The first involves planning, organizing, directing and controlling various activities of the personnel agency or department. The second includes those functions which are specifically assigned to the personnel department such as employment, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel of the organization
It may be convenient to categories
a)   staff function
b)  operative functions
c)   welfare functions
1)  To provide advice and information to the managers. With regard to personnel problems.
2)  To draw-up man power budget, according to manpower requirement so that proper arrangement can be made for tranning and placement of personnel
3)  To work as a channel of communication employee and management
4)  To help the management in the formulation of effective personnel policies
a)                  To select and appoint the best candidate for filling up vacancies after careful screening making arrangement for training of such employees and their subsequent placement in a way that the right man is placed on the right job.
b)                 Merit rating of employees and devising a system of promotion which provide satisfaction to the employees.
c)                  To promote harmonies relations between management and the employee.
d)                 To determine a reasonable basis of wages payment this should provide incentives to the employees to produce more.
To provide and promote the welfare of the employee both on and off the work by such activities as medical and safety services, transport and accommodation facilities, insurance, recreational facilities, vocational training, canteens etc
However, the major theoretical framework of this has help immensely in uplifting the role and functions of personnel management in all organization.
Also the function aimed at the organizational structure in an organization
1)     Theoretical framework helps the reader to make logical sense of the relationship of the variable and factors that have been deemed relevant /important to the problem
2)     Theoretical framework defines relationship between the entire variable so the reader can understand the theorized relationship between them.
3)     Theoretical framework is the collection of interrelated concepts, like a theory but not necessarily so well work out.
4)     Theoretical framework: it also guide your research, determine what things you will measure and what statistical relationship you will look for.
The current trend in thinking of this research work can be describe as the present state of the research problem
In the government whereby the last tiers of government as functions. Also, where is personnel management carryout their works in an effective and efficient manner could be considered as better administration?
In this research work it is gotten that the personnel management can be identified with special groups of people whose job is to direct the activities and efforts of other people toward common goals or objectives

The finding in chapter two (2) shows those roles and function of personnel management department which shows their element in achieving of set goals and objectives. Also for the effectively and efficiently in order to achieve growth and development in an organization
In this study, a critical examination on the roles of personnel management in an organization which has been carried out which aimed at exposing the department on personnel management in Ilorin west local government.
The finding is supported by the use of questionnaire mainly to gather information on personnel characteristics of personnel manager in the local government as well as gathering of information based on the status of activities performed by every department in the local government.
From the result of analysis, the following major finding gathered.
The department seeks improvement in term of organization aspect
The department also believe that there should be technological advancement of the organization goal is achieved.
There should also be a job designed to considered the basic foundation of personnel management 
This project has been able to look into the roles of personnel management in an organization in order to attain productivity in an effective and efficient manner.
However, critically looking at the main finding and result from its analyzed responses, based on the questionnaire administered on a sample population of the department of personnel management Ilorin west local government. The following inferences could be drawn.
Every department must be well organized with organizational will be committed to their various jobs and they will bear in mind the attainments of the organizational goal.
This research has also brought into focus that workers interest become highly arose if the organization they work for could provide them with adequate welfare facilities, which includes good medical service, housing etc.
In the same vain, it has also become clear that having a very good conductive working atmosphere and work environment gives works the pleasure to perform effectively and efficiently. These thereby enhance productivity.
As a whole, it can be conveniently concluded that personnel managerial function include responsibilities to planning, organizing, directing, controlling. Also the operative function include job design and analysis, job evaluation, man power, staffing (recruitment, promotion performance) wages and salaries administration, promotion performance.
Having examined and analyzed the finding through the date collected the following could be used to further improve the efficiency and in the personnel department in the local government.
In the instance, the personnel management department needs to further embark on an aggressive improvement of the general welfare and working condition of the staff in the local government. However, this is not say that, the management has been failing in its duties towards the staff, but it is still pertinent to say that the current efforts can still be gradually improved on to meet the general expectations and the needs of the management.
Consequently, the management can still use the following methods to further create a mutual conducive atmosphere within the workers performance can successfully lead to the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives.
There should be a review of financial incentives policy in which various types of allowances could be introduced. It is also suggested that more liberal granting of loans should be adopted by the councils to motivate the workers. This may be vehicle or contingency loan.
Promotion should continue to be based strictly on the principle of merit performance or other insatiable criteria which must be made known to the workers. And there should be adhere to this is important because a hardworking worker obviously expects to be appropriately rewarded with promotion if such workers morals is not be depend. However, promotion should not be based on sentiment or other extraneous factors.
The qualities of welfare and recreation service and facilities should be improved upon to further enhance productivity. Also, the manager in each department must be taken care and required necessary materials should be provided to allow for improved and higher.
Finally, it is suggested that there should be a forum of which the every department both the workers and management staff meet and interact at lest once or twice in a year for better understanding and improve social relationship.
More so, the local government has been blessed with abundant human resources in almost at filled of activities that it needs for its operation.
All that is left is a better coordination and motivation of those resources in order to retain in the service for attainment of its objectives.

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