THE ROLE OF PROMOTION IN IMPROVING SALES TURNOVER (A CASE STUDY OF OSI GARI PRODUCERS) PROPOSAL The main aim of this write-up is just to analyze and state the role of promotion in improving sales turnover. A ease study of OSI GARI PRODUCERS. Osi Gari producers, the oldest member of Gari producers started its operation as a producers and distributors of Gari for household consumption. In this study, we are particularly concerned about the promotion of Gari product of Osi Garl producers as well as the role of promotion in improving sales turnover of the product (Gari ). The introduction of this topic includes the background of the study, statement of problems, research questions, objectives of the study, definition of terms, scope of the study as well as the significance of the study not leaving the limitation of the study and history of the case study. The second chapter includes literature reviews on the project topic, Meaning of promotion, purpose of promo...
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