Title Page                                                                                 i
Certification                                                                     ii
Dedication                                                                       iii
Acknowledgement                                                            iv - v
Table of Content                                                              vi - viii
1.0   Introduction                                                             1
1.1   Background of the Review                                              1 - 4
1.2   Statement of the Problem                                                4
1.3   Justification for the Study                                              4 - 5
1.4   Objectives of the Study                                           6
1.5   Significance of the Study                                                 6 - 7
1.6   Scope of the Study                                                   7
1.7   Definition of Terms                                                  7 - 10
2.0 literature Review                                                        11- I 3
2.1   Relationship Between Internal Control and            
Internal Checks                                                       13 – 14
2.2   Internal Audit                                                          14 - 15
2.3   Types of Internal Control                                                 15 - 19
2.4   Internal Control Techniques                                    19 - 22
2.5   Internal Control and Management                           22 - 25
3.0 Research methodology                                               26
3.1   Historical Background on case study                       26 - 27
3.2   Population and sampling                                        27- 28
3.3   Data Instrument                                                      28
3.4   Method of Data Analysis                                          28 -29
3.5   Administration of Data Collection Instrument                 29 – 30
3.6   Interview questionnaire                                           30 - 33
3.7   Limitation of the study                                        33
4.0   Presentation and analysis                                        34
4.1   Data Presentation                                                    34 -48
4.2   Data Analysis                                                           49 - 51
4.3   Questionnaire and hypothesis testing                     51 - 53    
4.4   Findings                                                                  53 – 54
5.0   Summary, conclusion and recommendations
5.1   Summary                                                                         55 - 56
5.2   Conclusion                                                              56 - 57
5.3   Recommendations                                                   57
5.4   References                                              
The practice of auditing has come a long way from the days when the auditors has read his report to his audience the growth of auditing in recent past as been such phenomenal that the national Teachers Institute is the efficient running of the government parastatals.
Phases like management audit and audit committee have surfaced to broaden the significant of the work of it auditor. This has also resulted in many vital publications on auditing.
The present works is an attempt by the auditor to bring into view, the challenging role internal auditing can play in the evaluation of internal control system in government parastatals. The book is not only recommended to those in the national Teachers institute in government parastata1s striving to achieve maximum efficiency.
To the National Teachers institute, the work of audit is mainly to detect and prevents fraud in the institute of National Teachers.
        This write up exposes the other reason for having audit work conducted especially the internal audit the main function is to assets, ensuring corrections of financial statement, proper handling of books and records to confirm the validity of the transaction that take place in the government parastatals.
Audit as already stated that the conducted according to the desire of the person requiring the service of an auditing work for the purpose of certifying the record of books of account as being correct in a situation where the organization cannot afford to set up an internal Audit Department.
The other types of Audit that can be conducted is that which the internal audit department of the government parastatals undertakes this is mainly to prevent and detect fraud with the system. The work of the intend audit is determine by management.
Here, it must be emphatically stated that the internal auditor is an advisory capacity to the management is not duty bond to except the advice or recommendation. The internal auditor work can also aim at providing a basis for the updating of financial data and there by building a livid and healthy accounting department with reliable documents & evidences. The presence of an internal audit in itself is a check on the excess of accounting department staff as well as other staff. e.g. The store organization staff or officers, people are aware that one time or one day within the accounting year or even any time they may be called upon to explain any ambiguity in the process of records receipts and falsification.
The observance of a close and critical examination of internal contro1 system in government parastatals revealed that in the Nigeria press an electronic media about the permanent nature of fraudulent malpractice in government parastatals as a result of lack of adequate Internal control system and due to not being capable on the part of accounting and auditing staff forgery, embezzlement, and mis - appropriation of funds have been too rampant in our society.
        This general trend is expected to continue unless concrete efforts are intensified to curb the incidence of these malpractices.
There is need, therefore to prevent or at least minimize to some extend the loss of government funds through misappropriation and others malpractice in order to successfully to this, the need for proper accountability in the government parastatals, and the establishment of a sound system of internal control can not be over emphasized.
In any business organization whether profit oriented or non-profit oriented like the three tiers of government of the federation namely: the Federa1. State and Local Government of the federation if required internal control and internal audit. An internal control system is any form of control financial or otherwise setup the management in order to ensure adherence to management policies, safeguarded the assets of the business and secure as far as possible the completeness and accuracy of accounting records.

The main aims of this research work are to know the role played by internal control system in Government parastatals. The focuses of the research work include.
i.      Reliability of financial Reporting
ii.     Effectiveness an Efficiency of operations.
iii.    Compliance with Applicable laws and Regulations.
iv.    It must be emphasized that the objectives of internal control is to limit the occurrence of errors and fraud to the beeriest minimum.
It is true that many books an article have been written on the object matter of internal control system both in the public and private sectors of the economy. It is worth mentioning that each other stressed the need of proper internal control system in strengthened and made workable to the extent that financial malpractice and loss of government funds would be reduced to the beeriest minimum.
This research study focuses on the internal control and the internal audit of the financial activities of government parastatals. It examines the various types of control and control techniques. Specifically, the research work studies all these things as they relate to the National Teacher’s Institute.
i.      Audit: An audit can be defined as an examination by an auditor to show the evidence from which the final revenue accounts and balance of an organization have been prepared in other to ascertain that they present a stature and fair view of the financial state of the organization as at that date to enable the auditor write this report.
ii.     Auditor: An audit is outside that works into ensure and review the account of stewardship of management and to express his opinion as to the fairness or otherwise of the said account.
iii.    Budget: It is defined as a financial or quantitative statement prepared and approval prior to a specific period of the policy to be punished during that period for the purpose of attaining given objective. This may include expenditure income and the employment of capital.
iv.    Capital Expenditure: Consist of expenditure the benefit of which cannot be fully consumed in one period but operate over several periods, example of these are capital expenditure on the instruction of Road, Water, Project agricultural project, electricity project and a host of others that are handed by Directorate for foods, Road and Rural Infrastructure [DFFRI] in collaboration with the state and Federal ministries of works.
v.     Errors: This is an unintentional mistake in financial statements including mathematical or clerical mistakes, in the application of accounting principle and oversight or misinterpretation of facts existing at the term financial statements were prepared.
vi.    Internal Audit: If is described as a review of operations and records sometimes continual exercise within a business by specially assigned staff.
vii.   Internal Abeck: It consist of the allocation of authority and work in such a manner as to afford checks on the routine transactions of day to day activities by other or duty of one person being proved independently by other or the duty of one person being complementary to that of another. Thus affording a means whereby fraud is prevented or its early detection is facilitated.
Viii. Internal Control: Is defined as not internal check and internal audit but the whole system of controls, financial and otherwise, established management in order to carry on the business of the company in an orderly manner, to safeguard its asset and secure as far as possible the accuracy and responsibility of its records.
ix.        Irregularities: Internal distortion of financial statement fraud or misappropriation of assets referred to as defalcation.

According to Leshe R. Howard (1993) stated that “An Auditing may be described as an examination by an auditor of the evidence from which the final revenue accounts and balance sheet of an organization have been prepared, in order to ascertain that they present a true and fair view of the summarized transactions for the period under the review and of the financial state of the organization at the end date, thus enabling the auditor to report there on”.
Furthermore, Walter W. Biggs, (1988) “An Auditing may therefore be said to be such an examination of books and accounts and vouchers of a business, as will enable the auditor to report whether he is satisfied that the balance sheet is properly drawn up, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of the affair of the business and that the profit and loss for the financial period. According to the best of the information and explanation given him and as shown by the books, and if not report in respects he is not satisfied”.
Furthermore, the American Institute of Certified public Accountants statement of Auditing standard No.1 internal control comprises the plan of organization and all of the co-ordinating methods and measures adopted with in a business to safeguard its assets, checks the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies. This definition possibly is broader than the meaning sometime attributed to the terms. It recognize that a system of internal control extends to those matters which relate directly to functions of the accounting and financial department
The above definitions already cited show that it is important to have adequate trained staff to oversee the internal control system of a department.
Increasing attention has been paid to the method of internal control in recent year. The complexity of modern business techniques and the incense in sizes of business units have encouraged the adoption for these methods which enhance the efficiency of business and all act as safeguard against error of fraud.
Internal control embraces both internal a check and internal audit. As earlier stated, internal check consist manner as to afford check or routine transaction, of day to day activities by meant of the work of one person being complementary to that of another quick affording the means of preventing fraud or its early detection facilitated.
Any person performing an operation should acknowledge their activities by means of initial and signature rubber-stamp etc. For instance when preparing payment vouchers, the different officers involved in the preparations should initial the prepared column, check column, passed column, etc. Acknowledge of performance is this way not only allow blame to be ascribed but also has a powerful
Psychological effect because each staff would be more careful as blame may be apportioned for errors committed.
It forms a valuable part of the whole system of internal control. Internal Audit has been described as a review of operations and records. Sometime, continuous under taken within as business by specially assigned staff. When internal control is properly operated, it may influence the conduct of an audit by limitating the detailed work of the audit that might be performed where it is not properly operated, the auditor may be forced to do a great deal of detailed work then would otherwise be the case.
According to ’milliehample “Auditing” the types of internal control include organization and approval arithmetical and accounting, personnel supervision and management controls.
a)     ORGANIZATION: An enterprise should have a plan of organization which should define and allocate responsibilities thereby every function should be in charge of a specified person who might be called the responsible official. For example, the keeping of petty cash should be enthuse to a particular person who is then responsible and hence answerable for that function. Another factor to consider under organization is the identification of lines of reporting. In all cases, the delegation of authority and responsibility should be clearly specified. An employee should know the plovers delegated to him the exert of authority and to whom he should report.
b)     SEGREGATION OF DUTIES:  Means that no one person should be responsible for the recording and processing for a complete transaction. It is also opened that the involvement of several people reduce the risk of intentional manipulation or accident error and increase the element of checking of work. Examples of function which for a given transaction should be separated include:- Initiation, authorization, custody and recording.
c)     PHYSICAL: This concerns physical custody of asset and involves procedures designed to limit access to authorized personnel only.
Access can be direct e.g. being able to enter the store or indirect, that is by documentation e.g. through requisition. This guideline is very important in the case of valuable portable exchangeable or desirable assets. Examples are the looking of securities like store certificate coequal booklet, Teller and so on in a safe with procedures for the custody and use of the keys
d)     AUTHORISATION AND APPROVALS: All transaction should require authorization and approved by an appropriate person. The limits of this authorization should be specified e.g. credit sale must be approved by the credit control department.
e)     ARITHMETICAL AND ACCOUNTING: These are the control in the recording function which check that transactions have been authorized, that they are included and accurately processed. The procedures include checking the arithmetical accuracy of the records the maintenance and checking of totals reconciliations, control account, trial balance etc.
f)      PERSONNEL: Procedure should be designed to ensure that personnel operating a system are competent and motivated to carry out the task assigned to them since the proper functioning of a system depends upon the competence and integrity of operation personnel. Measures to motivate include appropriate remuneration and promotion and career development prospects, selection of people with appropriate personal characteristic and training and assignment to task of the right level.
g)     MANAGEMENT: These are control exercised by management which are outside and over the day to day routine of the system, they include over all supervisory control, review of management accounts, budgetary control, internal audit and any other special review procedure for example senior management must be aware of the day to day activities of the organization. Glaring failures of controls [stick thefts, excess stocking, unnecessary overtime] should be corrected. Budgeting and variance analysis is a management tool which should prevent or at least defect departure from management intended plans.
h)     SUPERVISION: All actions by all levels of staff should be supervised. The responsibility for supervision should be clearly defined and communicated to the person being supervised.
According Dicke (2007) he stated that auditing, the objectives of an audit are as follows:
i.      The detection of fraud
i.      The detection of technical error
iii.    The detection of error of principles.
He further states that the means for achievement of such objectives is a detailed analysis of transaction. However, it is the opinion of some experts that for errors and fraud to be minimized there must be a sound system of internal control involves checking performance proceeds are planned. The major aspect of controlling is feed back information against pre-set plans or standards so that deviation are highlighted for investigation and correction.
Santocki J. Source [1979] emphasized review that internal control is of paramount importance to both small and large companies, although its method of operation will necessary very from number of employees is too few to establish on adequate division of duties, additional importance is attached to proper supervision by the owner, manager or other responsible employee.
Special problems may arise in the circumstance for a small firm whose business is expanding. There is an intermediate stage when it is no longer practicable for the owner or manages to maintain his precious close supervision of all aspects of the business, while the staff remains numerically too small for the adequate division of responsibilities and instruction of automatic checks which may be expected of large firms. It should be borne in mind that there are not absolute standards of internal control. The circumstance and needs of business vary so greatly that system of control differ from one organization to another, what could said by way of generalization is that an adequate system of internal is one that is both economic and effective in regard to the resources, size and nature of the business concerned.
Certain procedures should therefore be weighed against the risks they may designed to check. The cost of operating a check can any particular activity should be view in relation to the possible loss if they were removed.
It must be emphasized that the objective of internal control is to limit the occurrence of errors and fraud to the barest minimum. No matter how effective a chief internal control system is, error and frauds can occur by collusion; abuse of authority, human error.
The responsibility for the application of internal control rest with those in authority within the business itself. The auditor may help advice and report but has know power to demand that an adequate system of internal control should exist. The final responsibility remains with those in authority.
In any efficiently controlled organization, there must be clear line to demarcation between the responsibility and duties of the staff, and these can be only operated in conjunction with properly complied records to the various activities of the business and by circulation of written information [both vertically and horizontally] is very important and everything must be done to ensure effective communication.

ADEYEMO, [1989]: Practical Auditing Manual, Kaduna, First Edition, New Deal Publication Limited, page 14,17,21.
AQUALSUA F.D, [2005]: Auditing and investigation, Kaduna, First Edition, D’ Lord printing and publishing EFD. Page 143.
SAMTOCK J. [1979]: Auditing a conceptional and system approach, Lagos First Edition, Polytechnic publisher page 48.
FERDINERD.J. OLUSANJO, [1985]: Auditing and investigation
Ibadan, A Comprehensive Approach, Abakaks publishers Limited page 77,82.
OLOREDE l.A [1999]: Effective internal control system in a Banking Environment, Abuja, unpublished paper presented at 3 days workshop
for people Bank at National woman Development centre. Page 3-6.
LESLUER. HORWARD, [1993], Principles and practice of Auditing.
WATER W. BIGG [1988], Auditing for today.

This chapter aims at assessing the research population and the sampling method if examines the various sources of data and the method of administering of data collection instruments.
In an attempt to train the numerous unqualified teacher absorbed the federal Government established the National Teachers Institute by the promulgated decree 7 of April, 1978.
Government parastatals are non-profit making establishment aimed at providing essential services for the welfare of the citizen. They are managed by civil security and financed with public fund. In the course of rendering these services, however, some government parastatals generate a lot of revenue. An example of this is the National Teachers Institute where revenue is generated from Headquarters, soles of eligibility forms, registration for Grade Two [ICT] Examinations, sales of National Certificate of Education [N.C.E.] forms by Distance learning system [D.L.S] Tuition fees form N.C.E by D.L.S, sales of T.C.H. syllabus and sales of T.C.H. course books, etc. Specifically, the revenue collected by the various department of the institute in 1990 amounted to over N568, 026.00 as against N476, 983.00 collected in the preceding year.
The National Teacher’s Institute is charged with all matters realizing to the registration and training of the unqualified teachers in the country.
The National Teacher Institute being a true representation of other parastatals, the questionnaires were distributed to its employees involved in accounting and auditing duties.
However, these are some secondary sources of data that assisted in this research project. These include library research whereby various textbooks, journals are consulted, magazines and newspaper.
Primary sources of data used in this study. The originator primary data where collected through questionnaire distributed to and interview either sample population [especially these involved and auditing duties in the parastatals the data are analyzed statistically and by mathematical presentation.
The data obtained from the above state methods are serious considered necessary and vital to the study. They are analyzed tools and comparison with establish facts and point on the past studies that are related using percentage, statistically tables and responses. Meanwhile, it was glaring to the researcher that the whole population cannot be used in analysis the study, therefore, it has generally agreed that accidental sampling of customers met at the company premises on the day of visit should be adopted to allow an effective analysis of the data collection of the study. The sampling method was adopted for the analysis and distribution of the questionnaire the analysis was done base on fundamental comparison of data collected and fact on ground, debate and argument of professional on the study, opinion of the professional accountants and documentary of written facts about the study in the documentary sources.
It has to be recalled that the data collection instrument used in this work include questionnaire and interview. The questionnaires were distributed to those involved in accounting and auditing schedules.
The researcher visited them often and often to remind them and to collect completed questionnaire from some of them were consulted for personal interviews and they responded commendably.
However, the necessary report was created before answering the respondents question. There are not data in consistencies, 90% of the questionnaires distributed to the respondents were returned. Therefore, the percentage of non-response in negoible.
The questionnaire and interview means of data collections were adopted for this research study. Questionnaire was greatly and largely used for the collection of relevant information needed those means were chosen due to their cost effectiveness and affordability for survey study there are also prone to a quantitative analysis of response and statistics test of hypothesis, through there was a restriction to the nature of information and volume of data they likely to be obtained by researchers. The questionnaires was simply designed for better and easy assimilation so that the respondents can give precise answer to the best of their knowledge. Also the name of the respondents are not demanded for in the questionnaire, so that confidentiality can be guaranteed.
Questionnaire is a document sent to the respondent by the researcher to be filled and returned, The document contain vital question that will aid in arriving at dependable analysis of the research study. The prepared question is done in a way that the questionnaire quantitable simple clear useful legible and reasonable and not embracing. Interview is face to face discussion and presentation of verbal question to the respondent. This was used but not always due to its disadvantage which are beyond the scope of study. The interview questions are presented in a simple and clear for also probing questions were asked. Using this method information was easy to obtain from semi illiterate customer and employees who could not read or write which can be analyzed to that effect, and result can fulfill the research objective.
Also, in addition to these, the documentary service information was adopted. This includes related literature books, journals, symposium pamphlet and national dailies. This is principally done to arrive at a dependable conclusion about the study under review for the purpose of this study; the questionnaire that will be used has the following features and characteristics.
Structure question: The presentation of question to respondent with a alternative answer to the questions and can be answer to the questions and can be answer basically by the respondent through the indication of appropriate answer.
Time is the primary limiting factor in this research study. The study was started very early but, due to the lectures and preparation for the examination delay the smooth of gathering information.

In this chapter the information provided by the questionnaire is analyzed. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. Section ‘A’ and section ‘B’. Section ‘A’ contains the personal characters of the respondent, like section ‘B’ are questions designed to test the stated hypothesis.
Sources field work 2011
From Table 4.1 shows that male respondents were 6o% while female respondents were 40% of the total number of respondents who has to questionnaire completed and return.
 Sources field work 2011
From table 4.11 above the age distribution of the respondent shows that 25% of the respondent are below 25 years, 35% are between 25-35 years, 30% are between 36-45 years, and 10o% of the respondent are 46 years and above.

Sources field work 2011
From Table 4.111 above, the marital status of the respondents shows that 20% of the respondents are single, 70% are married, 8% are divorced, while 2% are widow.

Sources field work 2011
From table 4.iv above, the relevant working experience data of the respondent show that 20% of the respondents hours below 5 years working experience, 60% have between 10 to 15 years working experience, 6% have between 15 to 20 years working experience and 4% have working experience of 20 years and above.


Sources field work 2011
From table 4.v above the educational qualification of the respondent were equally taken into consideration. The data shoot that the respondent who are holders 5.75 are 10%, 20% are holders of WAEC, GCE, Ordinary Level certificates, 25% are holders of OND/HND, 35% are holders of B.S.SC, or MSC. and 1o% for others.
01 – 04
05- 08
09 – 12
13 and above
Sources field work 2011
From table 4.VI above the salary destitution of the respondents show that 25% belong to 01-04 level, 35% belong to the 05-08 level, 30% belongs to the 09-12 levels while 10% of the respondents belong to the salary grade level 13 and above.
The hypothesis stated in various forms in the earlier chapter is now stated for the reader to have a better understanding the analysis done for the lack up adequate internal control system is responsible financial mismanagement in government parastatals.
A. The following questions were extracted from the questionnaire and analysis below would give you more understanding of the chosen topic payment condersare often passed without proper secreting of the various section a departments.
Sources field work 2011
From table IB above shows that 20% of the respondents strongly agreed with the above statement (A), 25% only agreed, 15% were undecided [they don’t know whether to agree or disagree] 20% disagreed while 20% strongly disagreed with the statement. The second hypothesis to be stated is that there is incompletence
Using the Chi-square {x2] statistical table, the following result obtained. The observed data is divided into there main groups namely Agreed, Undecided, Disagreed.
Sources field work 2011
X2 = 5.03 Calculated with 5.03-1 = 4.03 degree of freedom, the critical value of X2 using X2 table is 9.488. The calculated table is 5.03 while X2 road from the table at 5% significance level is 0.488 or 9.49 since the calculated X2 is less than the X2 from the table the hypothesis that lack of adequate internal’ control system is responsible financial management in government parastatals.
(B)    Misclassification of payment of vouchers are common and undiscovered, because of lack of adequate of internal control system.
Sources field work 2011.
From table IIIB above shows that only 10% strongly agreed that misclassification of payment vouchers are common and undiscovered, because of lack of adequate internal control system, 20% agreed, 20% undecided, 15% strongly disagree while 35% disagreed.
(C) Most officer do not have enough time to pay serious attention to check vital documents before passing item for payment.
Sources field work 2011.
From the table VB above that 20% of the respondent strongly agreed, with the above statement, 30% agreed, 25% were undecided, 15% strongly disagreed while 20% disagreed with the statement.
(E)        People with authority in an organization might exploit their authorities to there own advantages and to the detriment of the internal control system.
Sources field survey 2011.
From the table VB above shows that 20% of the respondent strongly agreed with the above statement, 25% agreed, 15% undecided, 15% strongly disagreed, while 25% disagreed of the respondent with the above statement.
The second hypothesis to be stated is that there is incompetence of the part of the accountants and auditors is responsible for the fraudulent management. The following questionnaire were extracted from the question and analysis• and will give you a clearer understanding on the chosen topic.
Qualified auditor are not internated  in working in government establishment because merit system is lacking
Sources field survey 2011
To determine the interest, weakness or otherwise of the techniques that are used in the ministries, questions were asked as to:
i.      The internal control system
ii.     The design and effectiveness of the system
iii.    Variance notice
iv.    The corrective action taken to correct such variance.
To find out what the management is doing as to the training of accounting and auditing staffs respondents were asked to provide formation as to:
i.      The source and courses of unnecessary expenditure
ii.     The production irregularities and malpractice which trained personnel could help to effect.
Questions were also drafted to find out the degree of freedom that auditors have in vouching and verifying accounts and fixed assets of the parastatals. The questions were drafted with the ability of the respondent at the back of the mind.
The question were not pre-tested get the answers provide were direct and unambiguous which demonstrated the understanding of the respondents.
This aspect could deal with research problem which are variable in terms of asking possible questions or statement about the hypothesis the following proposition would be tested empirically.
Therefore let Ho is NULL Hypothesis and Hi be ALTERNATIVE Hypothesis.
Hypothesis state that Hi adequate internal control system is responsible for financial management in government parastatals.
Ho:   Misclassification of payment of voucher is common and undiscovered.
Hi:    Classification of payment of voucher is common discovered.
Ho:   Most officer dose not have enough time to pay serious attention to check vital documents before passing them for payment.
Ho:   It is not possible for two or more people to collide and by pass the internal control system and defraud.
Hi:    It is possible for two or more people to collide and by pass the internal control system and defraud.
Ho:   People with authority in an organization might exploit their authorities to their own advantage and to the determent of the internal control system.
Hi :   People with authority in an organization might not exploit authorities to their own advantages.
This investigation was conducted and the research carried out to know the effectiveness of internal control system in government parastatals, but focus is primarily laid on a National Teachers Institute.
More so, this section will briefly explain the analyses that data collected and presented in the previous section of this chapter. The perse is wider in scope but for the internal finances it will be borrow analyzed. To start with the table 4.1, presented the data by using chi-squares (X2) statistical to the assumption that most of the accountant and auditors in government parastatals rose through the wrote with any formal training in accounting and auditing the observed data is reduced to three major groups namely [Agree, Undecided, and Disagree].
X2     =        (O -∑)
Where 0 = Observe frequency
                ∑ = Expected frequency
Sources field work 2011’.
X2     =     6.00
With 6.oo — 1 = 5.00 degree of freedom, the critical value of X2 using X2 table is 11.070 or 11.07. The calculated X2 is 6.00, while the X2 read from the table at 5% significance level is 11.07 since the calculated X2 is less than X2 from the table. The hypothesis that incompetence on the part of the accountant auditor is responsible for the fraudulent mismanagement.
According to the revised financial regulation which is the financial authority for government establishment, the existence of an internal audit unit in a ministry/parastatals does not direct any member of staff of their individual responsibilities placed upon time neither does it obviate the necessity for normal departmental checks.
From the above statement, it can be seen clearly that both internal checks and internal audit existing side by side are meant to compliment one another in order to attain the objectives of effective internal control.
Furthermore, in other to facilitates effectives internal control, the auditor in charge will ensure that the programme of audit will extend to cover all the records of the ministry, department parastatals or unit in order to satisfy himself that:
a)     The safeguards introduced for the prevention for the prompt defection of fraud and loss of cast or stores or plan are adequate.
Normal safeguards include the observed of government and parastatals regulation and instruction checks.
b)     The systems for the control of the collection of revenue is adequate and that all the money received have been promptly brought to account to the correct code.
c)     The system for the control of expenditure is adequate and that all payment made are properly authorized and correct, that they are paid to the right person from the correct code that they are made for the purpose for which they were authorized.
d)     The system for the control of the issue and consumption of stores is adequate, that all issue are properly authorized and correct, that issue are made to the right person and used for the purposed for which they are authorized there are adequate means for the verification by him of cash, store, and plants held.
The accounting records are proper and accurate. There is no doubt, therefore that if all the safeguard are observed financial malpractice will be reduced drastically.
        The findings are confirmed in the project revealed that there are some areas of operation that could be improved upon nation news qualitative teacher and teacher’s needs training in the area of modern material.
i. Modern Machine and Computer
        It is paramount unfortunate to provide modem machine and computer to replace the aspect of operation which is still manually operated with modern qualities work will be made easier and faster which will lead to teacher effectiveness.
ii. Evaluation of effectiveness of internal control system in government parastartals.
iii. In the area of modern materials handling equipment and handling technique this will enhance effective performance of the teacher in the nations.

The propose of the study is to examine the weakness inherent in the administration of the internal control system on government parastatals and how they affect the disrobement of government funds. Consequently, the following hypothesis were formulated.
i.      Incompetence on the part of the accountants on auditor in responsible for the perpetuation of fraudulent malpractice.
ii.     Lack of adequate internal control system is responsible for the financial malpractice in government parastatals.
The hypothesis were tested using the chi-square statistical table in conjunction with the relevant research question and responses from the respondents, Ho result of the test shows that lack of adequate internal control system and incompetence on the part of the accountants an auditor in government parastatals are responsible for the large scale financial malpractice. The recommendations that follows are designed to enhance the efficiency of the internal control system and resultant effective and efficient management in government parastatals.
From the data collected and analyzed one can easily conclude that lack of adequate internal control system and incompetence on the part of accounts and auditors are responsible for financial mismanagement in the government parastatals.
Nevertheless, if Ho recommendation provided in this research work are adhered to the symptoms of financial mismanagement in government parastatals can be minimized, cured, or presented to a considerable degree.

There is need for auditing where by auditors has to trace a transaction from source document through the accounting circle to ensure that there is proper accounting process for all transactions entered into. An officer should not be retained for too long on a particular schedule; a maximum of two years is recommended fraudulent malpractice staff development should be intensified. Those staff that has never had any formal training in accounting and auditing should be encouraged to go for training so as to faster efficiency and effectiveness in the internal control system. The internal checks already in existence must improved a responsible and well trained officer should check at irregular interval and to ensure that there is compliance with those existing checks payments and remuneration of employees.

MILLICAMP. A.H. [1987]:        Auditing “An Instructional Manualfor Acrountirig Student” Lagos, ELBS. 4TH Edition Longman Nigeria Limited. Page 148, 149.
COULDERY F.A.F. [1979]: Accounting Standard Study Book, London, 2nd Edition, Pitman Publication. Page 172, 184.
PAULA. L. AND ARTWORK [19991: Auditing Principle and Practice, Benin City, [Geo 1679 Lord] New Era publication.
LESLIE. R. HOWARD [1998]: Auditing Mac-Donald and Evers Lagos, 2nd Edition, Spectrum Book Limited Page 102,107.
OLOREDE J.A. [1999]: Effective Internal Control System in a
Banking Environment Abuja, Unpublished Paper Presented a 3
Days Workshop for People Bank at National Women
Development Centre Page 3-6.
AQUALSUA F.O. [2005]: Auditing and Investigation Kaduna, First Edition, D’ Lord Printing and Publishing Ltd. Page 143
SAMTOCK J. [1979]: Auditing a Conceptional and System Approach, Lagos, First Edition, Polytechnic Publisher, Page 48.
FERDINERD .J. OLUSANJO [1985]: Auditing and Investigation Ibadan, a Comprehensive Approach, Gbabeks. Publishers Limited Page 77, 82.


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