The main thrust of this study was to evaluate the significance of planning on the organizational producing choosing Okin Biscuit Company limited Offa as the study.
Towards achieving this same of text on planning and productivity were consulted with the aim knowing the perspectives of variable authors on the theoretical framework of the study.
Also primary and secondary method of data collection were used to gather information. One hundred staff member were selected as the population size.
The data collected from the sample were analysed by simple percentage (%) method. In addition, result show that planning is determined of organizational productivity improvement
It was therefore suggested that greater attention should be given to planning so as to achieve high productivity.
TITLE PAGE                                                             i
CERTIFICATION                                                       ii
DEDICATION                                                           iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                            iv
PROPOSAL                                                               v
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                             vi - viii
1.0   Introduction                                                    
1.1   Background to the study                                 1 – 3
1.2   Statement of problem                                      3 – 4
1.3   Objectives of the study                                     4 – 5
1.4   Significance of the study                                  5 - 6
1.5   Scope and limitation of the study                    6 - 7
2.0   Literature Review                                             8
2.1   The concept of management                            8 – 16
2.2   Management functions                                    16 – 73
2.3   Concept of planning                                                73 - 75    
2.4   Concept of management control                      75 - 82
2.5   Meaning of productivity                                   82 - 83
3.0   Research methodology                                     84
3.1   Research Population and sample research
Population                                                       84 - 85 
3.2   Research Design                                              85
3.3   Data collection of Instrument                          85 - 87
3.4   Administration of instrument                          87 - 89
4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                       90 - 91
4.1   Brief history  of 0kin Biscuit company limited offa 91 – 94
 4.2  Business objectives of Okin Biscuit Limited    94 – 96
4.3   Process of management planning and control in
the company                                                    96 - 98
4.4    Effect of management planning and control
on the productivity of the organisation            98 – 102
4.5      Other factors affecting productivity in the
organisation                                                     102 - 104
5.0   Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1   Summary of findings                                       105 - 107
5.2   Conclusions                                                     107 -  108
5.3   Recommendations                                           108
5.4   The Organization                                             108 - 110
References                                                       111 – 112

Business organizations need to improve to meet the challenges of world competitive. Productivity and quality improvement are most effective when they are done in a balanced manner to include managerial behavioural and technical initiatives through an effective planning and control. Organisation need to introduce a much more data – driven orinentation facilitating both grassroots continuous improvement and top down strategic project to correct bench marked short falls.
        Effective planning helps in identifying a path for achieving organizational goals. However, planning nearly always top when the manager are asked what they need to make more time for managers at various levels in the organisation are involved in the planning process thus, engendering an echoes of ownership and buy – in form those individuals targeted with achieving the named objectives. The principle effect has a clear understanding of the aims , or objectives of that organisation as well as awareness of their own roles and responsibilities in achieving those aims. The complete effective planning also get managers and empowered employees acting to improvement and achieve their plans which automatically achieve those of the organization.
        The planning and control is effective if it has strategic character and is aimed at achievement of concrete results and is duly, flexible, simple and economic. As the business environment becomes even more uncertain and turbulent, the requirement for professional leadership and effective management control through out organization, is at a premium. Strategic planning, management, control and effective, Budgeting is for those who are dedicated to maximizing the performance of their organization as well as their own individual value added contribution and that of the people who work for them.
1.2   STATEMENT OF PROBLEM             
Production planning and control system consist of a group of similar and related activities, coming one after another. In  which each activity predetermined and timed to co-ordinate manufacturing plans. Its importance realized from the ability to integrate and co-ordinate all production in –put (Men, machine and materials) to achieve effectiveness and efficiency for production of goods to meet market demand.
Effective planning control system as business activity is concerned with non- operating functions such as inventory, control, scheduling and expediting; thereby enabling factory men (supervisor and foreman) to contribute on actual manufacturing function.
In any organisation where there is ineffective or good planning and control system, the following are the problem they would be encounter.
1)  Sales losses caused by late deliveries or by inadequate supply of finished goods
2)  Erratic production resulting form overtime work followed by or intermingled with machine idleness due to material or tool shortage.
3)  The presence of an unnecessary long production cycle plant expedition activities.
4)  Inaccurate forecasting of there production activities in the organization
 Organization that planned and make use of good of effective planning and control system would benefit form all the objectives of this research as follows.
1.  planning helps in the co-ordination of efforts of organizations
2.  planning and control system helps in preparing future because planning involves collection of data forecast the future.
3.  planning and control system helps in establishing performance standard in organization
4.  planning facilitates control since controlling involves analysis of actual performance compared with set standard controlling will not be possible without plan.
5.  planning and control helps in managerial development.
This project focuses on the impact of effective planning and control in an organisation. The research work will be significant to Okin Biscuits Limited offa which is any case study and other manufacturing company on how to achieve a strategic planning and control.
        The research work will helps
a)   The research to know empirical in planning and control
b)  It helps a company to actualize their goods and objectives
c)   It helps production manager and other manager to access the performance of their department.
d)  It will serve as base for future research by other researchers.
e)   It shows the image of the company; hence it helps the stakeholder to know how reputable the organization is. 
        The study will cover the impact of planning and control in organization productivity. However in the case study, various obstacles which was encountered at various stages.
        In gathering data analyzing the data and recommending the finding to the reader
        Lastly, the cost of printing materials, transportation etc where some of the major constraints that hindered the effects of the research in conclusion.
        The fieldwork aspect of any research work is prone error, most especially questionnaire studies.

The efficiency and growth of any organisation can be traced to the organ which is known as management. In a way; management is charged with the duty of making available resources (both human and material) productive. As peter Drucker put it, management is the organs specifically charged with the responsibility of making resources productive. As such, it is the task of management to combine resources in order to accomplish the objectives of an organisation. Management is the heart around which all business activities revolve.
From these observation, it can be seen that management is a process entailing responsibility in effective formulation and regulation of the operation of an organization management involves planning, organizing, directing, staffing, coordinating and controlling the activities of an organisation in order to achieve its set objectives. It is necessary, however to point out that management decisions external beyond theses aforementioned value judgments and include procedure which are statistical, quantifiable, analytical and brainstorming in a way life, therefore, management is the power house or the blood that gives life to an organization. As such management exist wherever and whenever the need to achieve results arises. As already mentioned, the tools of management involve the following.
Planning is the primary task of managers and is the beginning of the management process. It involves setting objectives, determining strategies and selecting alternatives course of action. Planning helps an organisation to define it purpose and activities. It enables performance, standards to be set and result can therefore be compared with standard to enable management to see how an organization is proceeding towards the achievement of its set goals planning is essential for long – term survival of any organisation as it helps to determined the most profitable way to allocate limited resources among competing needs. It is the most demanding part of management function, involving projections and forecasting, planning if properly done reduce the risk of failure and ascertaining in organisation, it bridges the gap between where the management is and where management wishes to be, it answers questions such as what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.
If any organization or institutions must achieve any successful planning, it activity must be well organized. To organized is to form into a component the activities of an enterprise, it also means to arrange in sequential from, in other words, the process of  organizing an organization includes the following steps
1)          Determine what activities must be performed to achieve the set objectives
2)          Divide the work to be done into smaller activities
3)          Assign the work to people who can carry them and provided necessary information and tools
4)          Departmentalization the work by assigning a manager to each group of people who perform similar activities and specify the level of authority.
5)          Coordinateness the work of all individuals and departments so that ultimate goals is achieved.
Directing involves guiding, leading and supervising subordinates to ensure that they understand the requirement of the job and what is expected of them. Directing also involves effective communication of duties and responsibility, providing appropriate motivation and leadership. Thus management should be able to influence people to work willing and without force. This requires useful and effective leadership capable of knowing individual aspiration, motivation, weakness and capability. A leader should be able to create fellowship through leadership by example and b y directing without coercion
This is the employment of required staff into an organisation, it involves activities such as defining labour requirement for each job, recruiting and selecting candidates, induction training and development, compensations, appraisal of employee, employee welfare and industrial relations. The staffing process strive to maintain optimum work force since excess labour will increase cost of production and inadequate work force can reduces  the following steps.
                i.        Advertising vacant positions in the media to reach the right audience
              ii.        Arrange for interview – written, oral or both for those who quality vide their application.
            iii.        Select by evaluating their education, intelligence and experience
             iv.        Send out letters of appointment stating salary, allowances, training programmes and so on.
Co-ordinating involves ensuring that all groups and person work efficiently, economically and within harmoniously within the organization, there are five basic principle for effective coordination
    i.        It should start at the early stage of primary, the plans should be coordinated so that each section would operate under the organisation’s plans
  ii.        All functionaries should meet overall organization goal at the required time schedule
iii.        The business goals should be clearly defined and should be communicated to everyone concerned
 iv.        Every staff should know what is expected of him or her. This makes for easy coordination.
   v.        There should be horizontal and vertical communication in the organization
To control is to measure and compare actual performance with the set standard and correct deviation in line with the realistic performance standard. Performance should be repeated and even improved upon and failure to meet up with standard should be a major concern to management. Indeed, standard are criteria for measuring performance. Control is essential in very organisation to ensure that plans are accomplished to achieve expected results. This kind of control exist in the following there ways.
A standard is model performance level which should be attained. It could be expressed either qualitatively or qualitative standard could be expressed as high quality product of being responsible corporate citizen.
Quantitative standard could be in terms of expected profit figures, sales volume, product rejection rate or rate of assentism. The management of an organisation can even influence the standard for product quality and labeling.
This involves comparing what has been done with set standard or performance. This is important in order to know when and where corrective action should be taken. Measurement of performance standard should also be carried out promptly. It should be accurate and the cost of doing so should be minimized
Corrective action is necessary wherever there is shortfall in actual performance. This is an attempt to bring actual performance in line with the set standard so that they become more attainable. For efficiency in operation ; action should be taken promptly.
Understanding management principle is a first step toward effective and efficient management of human and material resources. A good manager can build on principles through appropriate experience, form day to day over a reasonable length of time.
In 1937 L, Gulic and I Urwick in “papers on the science of Administration” listed seven functions of management. They coined the  acronym POSDCORB for the same. Thus stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating Reporting and Budgeting.
Planning is a systematic method for the effective and efficient management of change. A plan is the route to an objectives, if an organisation is to achieve the objectives it has set for itself then it must plan a course of action that will enable it to attain these goals.
Planning can be therefore be defined as
Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, it involves the selection for objectives, polices, procedures and programme from among alternatives.
Planning helps to determine in advance the expected result, such as standard cost of production, standard favour and expected profit, the purpose of planning is to help in performance evaluation. 
Planning is determining where the company is to go as well as how it is to met there, or more formally, the setting of objectives and goals and the formulation and selection of strategies and course of actions to reach them.
Planning identified and analysis opportunities, strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and sets priorities for capitalizing on or overcoming them so that company resources will be put on the best uses.
Planning is clearly distinct from forecasting while forecasting is one of the essential elements of planning which is predication of what will happen on the basis of certain assumption, planning on the other hand is an attempt to determining what should happen and then to take steps that will make it likely happen.  
    i.        Planning is flexible and dynamic in nature through consideration of environmental factor
  ii.        Planning is closely associated with the goals of an organization.
iii.        Planning involves selection of the best alternative
 iv.        Planning is comprehensive and includes every course action in the organisation
   v.        Planning is primary concerned with the expected future event
    i.        To increase organization effectiveness
  ii.        To help in co-ordination of various units of the organization
iii.        To offset uncertainly and change
 iv.        To help in better observation and investigation opportunity and needs
   v.        To focus more attention on objectives
 vi.        To help controlling process
vii.        To obtain better understanding of the business
viii.        To help in decision making
    i.        Selecting the best course
  ii.        Establishing planning premises factors that will affects planning  should be taking to consideration before planning premises are the factors that affect planning.
iii.        Perception of opportunities
 iv.        Evaluate the alternatives
   v.        Establishing objectives
 vi.        Determining alternative course of action
vii.        Formulating / deprivating plan i.e deriving of various steps for department, units activities etc. in order to support the basic overall company’s plan.
It is when a group of individuals is directed towards the accomplishment of certain common objectives organisation as a subject is used in a variety of ways, but general, organization is usually expressed as a units.
DEFINITION: R.C Davies defines an organisation as a group of individuals, large or small, that is cooperating under the direction of executive leadership in the accomplishment of certain common objectives.
        It can also be defined as the frame work of responsibilities, authorities and duties through which all the resources of an enterprise are brought together and co-ordinated for, the achievement of management objectives. An organisation has the following distinguishing features;
            i.        All the organizations have some objectives or set of objectives that are mutually greed upon by the members of the group;
          ii.        It is identifiable aggregation of human beings
       iii.        The relationship between organization and its members through contract and can be replaced also, that is unsatisfactory person can be removed and others assigned their tasks
        iv.        Every organization has some specified norms standard of behaviour.
           v.        There is a co-ordination of closely relevant activities of the members in any organization
        vi.        To co-ordination of human activities is required to be structured where various individuals are fitted.
Organization exist because they can achieve results which an individual cannot achieve alone. By grouping together, individual overcome limitations. Chester Benard (1956) assessed the situation of a man trying to move a stone which was too big for him. That the stone was too big for man (environmental limitations); and the man was too small for the stone (biological) limitations
By forming an organisation with another man it was possible to move the stone with the combined effort of the two men together.

The efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation depends on a number of factor such as
      i.        Clarity of purpose – stating reason for an organizations
    ii.        Good Leadership –power centre to direct all activities towards its set objectives
  iii.        Method of specializing and structuring a job putting related activities together i.e adequate departmentation
   iv.        Planning – Deciding what is to be done
     v.        Control – to ensure that actions confirm to plans
   vi.        Co-ordination – Bringing organization resources together to achieve the set standard.
 vii.        Effective communication – where every unit of the organizations is well articulated with actions;
viii.        Staffing and motivation- Getting men for the job and encouraging them to perform effectively
A formal organisation may be defined as a social unit deliberately constructed to seek specific goals.
It can be seen as;
1.     The pattern of formal relationship and duties
2.                 Formal rules polices, work procedures and similar devices adopted by management to guide employees behaviour (including that of executives) in certain ways within the structure. It facilitates the determination of objectives and polices
3.                 Relatively stable and fixed
a)       Planned divisions of responsibility
b)      Power center which controls its efforts
c)       Substitutions of personnel
d)      The ability to combine its personnel in different ways

The informal organization is created because of the limitation of the formal structure. The actual organization structure is the result of the formal and informal relationships, that is given in the official chart is a formal organisation but it is not a complete picture of organization. An informal organization loosely and spontaneously produced from natural feelings (unplanned).
The informal organization of a company is so important that new comer has to learn the ropes. Therefore he can settle effectively in his job and he must also become accepted by his follow workers. When people work together they established social relationship and customary ways of doing  things i.e the developed informal ways of getting things done.
An organization chart gives a picture of the organization and shows the position of each individual with respect to others. Therefore a chart.
a.   Shows in a confine manner, the component parts or departmentation of the organization, their formal – relationships, and the formal communication channels reporting channels
b.  Shows the structure of
1.  authority and power
2.  Responsibility and accountability


There are different forms of organisation structure, the major noticeable form are;
1.  line oilitary type of organization
2.  Taylor’s functional organization
3.  line and staff organization
4.  committee organization
5.  matrix organization 
Line organisation it the simplest form of organization structure in which flow of authority and responsibility takes place vertically in a single straight line as in the figure above.
In the line types or organization, an individual is responsible to a single supervisor authority and divided responsibility does not arise.

The line and staff organization maintains vertical flow of authority and responsibility from organization level to level in a single line as in a line organization. It also includes staff assistance for expert advice to the line executives. In this form of organization there is no overlapping of authority and responsibility. Although staff assistance is show against a particular level, it is also available ale to the management at the manager Directors level, is also available to the works manager or to a still lower level.
The management consultant, whose advice is usually available at the work level of the works manager is also available for advice to the factory superintended and the foreman.
The technical advice to the lower level is not however as frequent as it is the level to which it is connect by horizontal relationship. In the same manner, the standard committee which is attached to the factory superintendence level, may advice the foreman, may also advice the workmen in matters relationships in line and staff organization for immediate contact with specialization service which without disturbing the line authority or scattering contact.
In a line and staff organization, the staff specialist  have no operating control over the line executives who enforces their technical advise
Managing Director   -       local counsel
Works manager        -       managing consultants
Factory superintended-    standards committee
Foreman                  -       tool expert
1)  it provides technical advice to line executives without distributing the line arrangement of authority and responsibility
2)  the staff advisory service , may be ineffective on account of reluctance of the line executives to enforce their recommendations
3)  the line supervisor may sometimes resent the presence of the specialists as being derogatory to their own prestige and position
A committee organization is an organization in which a network of committee are set up as advisory bodies line or line with staff organization in which they play supplementary rules. In large organization committees are set up in order to facilitates the cooperation pf relationship and better co-ordination. Committee may be permanent in nature and called standing committee. The board of director is a committee, similarly, there may be
1.  executive committee
2.  finance committee
3.  planning committee, Budgeting etc
The members of a committee should be representatives of the persons affected by its decision. The organization of a committee should be cooperative and democratic basis
A committee may be defined as a group of persons in an organization that are appointed or elected for the purpose of taking
1.  A committee is a group of persons (there should be at least two persons)
2.  A committee is charged with dealing with specific problems and it cannot function in all sphere of activities. There are strictly defined jurisdictions within which a committee is expected justify its existence
3.  A committee may have the authority either to take final decision or it may deliberate on problems without authority
4.  A committee may constitute any level of organization
5.  Members of the committee have authority to go into details of  the problems
The most common forms are as follows;
1.     STANDARD COMMITTEE: It is permanent in nature and all standing or permanent committee exist continuously for indefinite period, only its members upon their tenure in the committee.
2.     AD – HE COMMITTEE:  It is constituted for a temporally tenure and constituted for a specific purpose or to solve specific problem. In the purpose is received, the committee is dissolved since its existed consisted
3. DECISION MAKERS OR OTHER COMMITTEE: Authority to make decisions, others may merely deliberated on problems some committees have authority to make recommendation to a manner, who may.
4.     LINE OR STAFF COMMITTEE:  A committee may be either line or staff depending upon its authority, if authority involves decision making affecting and coordinating responsibility to it, it is a line committee, if committee authority relationship to a superior in advisory, it is a staff committee, usually in business organizations, most if the committee fall under these.
1.Pooling of knowledge and experience
2.Easy communication
3. motivating the production
4.  fear of delegation two much authority
5.  representing of interest group
1.  Divided responsibility
2.  High cost – it may need additional resources
3.  Indecision due to conflicting view points of members since every member has one vote
4.  Misuse of committee and
5.  Slowing in decision – since individual contribution has to be considered
Authority: In any organization, others, this indicate that managers have some right through which they get things done, this right is called authority which every manager must have to perform his functions effectively
1.  Authority may be defined as the right to assign duties to subordinate and ensure that hey are carried out, and involves the acceptance of accountability for the proper experience of this authority
2.  Authority can also be defined as the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decision by virtue of the position he or she holds in the organization. Authority can be delegated and flows downwards through structure.
        Power is the ability or capacity to do something or to get intended results. A person can have influence on others behaviour without having any authority and this is done through power also know as force which is not legal binding
Authority is the right to command in hierarchical sense and it is therefore legal binding. In some cases, right and capacity can be identified easily, where as, the two are used to mean the same thing. However, the use of power always create negative impact in the person on which it is used
1.  Responsibility can be defined as the obligation of an individual to carryout assigned activities to the best of one’s ability
2.  Responsibility can be defined as the ability of a person to be called to account for his/her actions and result responsibility can be delegated. It is obligation which makes sure that authority is properly used and that duties are properly carried out. Responsibility flows from the bottom of the organizational structure to the top. Where a superior delegates authority to his subordinate, the superior remains responsible for ensuring that the work is properly performed.
        Therefore, responsibility means accountability and it arise from the superior subordinate relationship.
        Delegation of authority is the process by which a superior gives subordinate the authority to carryout an aspect of the superior job without delegation, the existence of a formal organization is not possible.
        Delegation has the following features
1.  When a superior delegates authority to the subordinates the superior will still retain the authority.
2.  Delegation is the authorization of decision to a subordinate from a superior to act in a certain way independently;
3.  A superior cannot delegate authority which he himself does not process. Moreover, he does not delegate the entire authority to his subordinates because if he delegates all his authority he can not mark.
        In a large and complex organization delegation of authority is necessary because;
1.  There are physical and mental limitation to the work lead of any individual or group of authority,
2.  Due to (1) routine or less important decision are passed downed the line to subordinates , and the superior is free to concentrate on some important aspects of the job (e.g planning)
3.  The increasing size and complexity of organization calls for delegation
1.  Assign resources to subordinates so as to enable him carrying out his task at the expected level of performance
2.  Specify clearly the performance levels (the expect results) of the subordinate
3.  Obtain the acceptance of the subordinate in agreeing to perform the task.
4.   The superior should then know the resources that remain with him
5.  Assign task that can be performed to the subordinate.
        The principles of delegation as recommended by the classical theories, for which most are still valid in the context of formal organization structure are.
1.  There must be no doubt about  the boundaries of authority. Specification of the limit of subordinate power.
2.  Responsibility can not be delegation
3.   Once authority has been delegated, a superior should not expected his subordinate to refer decision up the chains of command to him to confirmation (or ratification) provided that the decision is within the subordinates scope of delegation authority
4.  Authority (and power) and responsibility and adequatablity must be properly balanced within an organization.
5.  There should be delegation of authority according to the results required i.e subordinate should be given sufficient authority to do all what is expected of him
6.  There should be clarity of;
                    I.    The ways in which department are meant to interact in and co-operate
                  II.    The function given to each department
                III.    The activities and authority of each department
7.  There should be unity of demand;
        Staffing is the formal process of ensuring that the organization has qualified workers available at all level to meet its short and long – term business objectives. Staffing is the selection and hiring of manager and employee. Staffing is meaning the organisation structure through defining manpower, appraising selection, compensating and training.
        Staffing involves meaning the organization structure through proper and effective selection appraisal , development of personnel to fill the roles designed structure
Steps in staffing
If the staffing function were to be handle logically,
Following plans for development.
          i.        Formation plans for development
        ii.        To inventory and appraise existing and potential managerial manpower and to compare this with needs forecast for the future.
      iii.        Development of an organizational plans for the future since less an enterprise expects to replace people constantly, these selected and development now should be able to fill future roles
       iv.        Plans for the acquisition available talent which seem to have the ability to fill future positions
        The staffing process have certain steps to be follow before it can be gainfully employed. The chain of event involves an accurate use of other suggestions such as application from interviews, tests, reference checks and physical examination.



        Directing is the accomplishment of organizational objectives by guiding and motivating subordinate. It include designing works explain procedure, issuing orders and seeing that mistakes are corrected
        Directing is seeing that subordinates do their work and to do it well as possible so as to achieve the set down organizational objectives whether in profit or no profit making organization. Directing and leading are interpersonal aspect of making by which subordinates are led to understanding and contributed effectively and efficiently to the attainment of entire crises objectives;
        Directing deals with communication, leadership and motivation to guide subordinate towards the attainment of organizational objectives. Directing is one of the most difficult functions of management because an employee is hired by management to assist in the realization of predetermine organizational goals where he too comes to the organization with his own personal goals, aspirations intellectual and physical abilities, basis and preference. It is the function of management therefore to marry employees goals with the organizational for harmoniously co-existence. In accomplish this, the manager has to communicate with the employee in order to encourage goals congruency. He has to lead so that the collected goals may be achieve. The employee has to  be motivated in order to ensure that the organizational momentum remains unabated
1)  The principle of directing objectives states that the more effective the directing and leading process, the greater will be the contribution of subordinate to organizational goals.
2)  The principle  harmony of objectives states that the more effective directing and leading are, the more individual will perceive, that their personal goals are in harmony with enterprise objectives”
3)  The principle of unity command states “that the more completely an individual has a reporting relationship to a single superior, the less the problem of conflict in instructions and the greater the feeling of personal responsibility for result”. Employees work better this way because of avoidance of loyalist, instructions and priorities problems.
        Coordinating can be defined as the process whereby the effort  of a group is harmonized so that goals is achieved.
        The need for a common purpose or goals is important because if there are more than one purpose in people’s minds, coordination of effort become difficult if not impossible. It should however be noted that co-ordination and leadership are intimately bound because each effects the others
        Factors that aid effective co-ordination. These are
1.  Co-ordination must not be directed in an autocratic manner but rather encouraged in a democratic manner everyone participating in a unified way.
2.  They should be direct contact between the persons immediately concerned
3.  It should be operated vertically and horizontally and should be effected at the most appropriate time.
4.  It must commence at the eeriest stages of planning and policy making. It must be continuously process.
        Reporting is the way to keep the authorities and the concerned public informal about the performance, achievements and shortfall of the organization. It is a means of keeping informed to whom executive is responsible as to what is going on, which thus include keeping himself  and his subordinate informed through records, research and inspection.
        Reporting is the preparation of factual data of the work done gemmated to prepare the full report of the working of the institution for a given periods. The report is then transmitted to the top administrative body. The report contains the work done in various units, any progress made constraints felt and the suggestions to overcome these, any backlog in the work and the reason therefore, actual work done with statistical figure and the like.
A widely used device for managerial control is the budget indeed it has sometimes been assumed that budgeting is the device for accomplishing control. However many non- budgeting device are also essential.
        Budgeting is the formation of plans for a given future period numerical terms. As such, budgeting are statements of anticipated results, either in financial terms – as in revenue and expense and capital budget or in non financial term as in budgets of direct – labour – hour, material, physical sale volumes, or units of production , it has sometimes been said for example that financial budgets represent the idolatrizing of plans.  
        By study plans in terms of numbers and braking them into parts that parallel the parts of an organization, budgets correlate planning and allow authority to be delegated without lose of control. In other words, reducing plans to numbers form a kind of order ness that permits the manager to see clearly what capital will be spent by whom and where, and what expense revenue or units of physical input or output the plans will involve. Having ascertained, thus, the manager can more freely delegate authority to effective plans within the limits of the budget. Moreover, a budget, to be useful to a manager at any level, must reflect the organizational partner. Only when plans are complete, coordinated and developed enough to be fitted into departmental operation can be a useful department budget be prepared as an instrument of control the organisation pattern. Only when plans are complete, coordinated and developed enough to be fitted into departmental operations can be useful departmental budget be prepared as an instrument of control
Budgets may be classified into several basis types within a budget summary portraying the total planning picture of all the budge; (1) revenue and expense budgets, 2) time, space material and product budget, 3) capital expenditure budget and 4) cash budget
Revenue and expense budgets: by far the most common budget spell out plans for revenue operating expresses. The most basic of these is the sales budget, which is a formal and detailed expressed of the sales forecast. Just as the sales forecast just as forecast is the concern stone of planning, so is the sale budget the foundation of budgetary control. Although  company may budget other revenue such as expected income from sales loyalties, or miscellanies sources, the revenue from sales of products or service furnishes the principle income to pay operating expense and yield profits
Operating expense budget to the typical enterprise can be as numerous as the expense classification in its chart of account and the units of organization in its structure. These budgets may deal with individual items of expense, such as travel data processing entitlement, advertising telephone and insurance  sometimes a departmental head will budget only major items and lump together items in one control summary.
2)     TIME, SPACE, MATERIAL AND PRODUCT BUDGET: Many budget are better expressed in quantities rather than in monetary terms. Although such budgets are usually translated into monetary terms, they are such more significant at a certain stage in planning and control if they are expressed        in terms, of quantitative, among the more common of these are the budgets for direct – labour – house machine – hours, units of material square feet allocated and most production department budget their share of the output components of the final product. It is common to budget labour, either labour – hours or labour – days or by types of labour required, obviously, such budget cannot be well expressed in more terms, since the dollar cost would not accurately measure the resources used or the result intended
Capital expenditure budget outline specifically capital expenditure for plant machinery equipment inventories, and other items whether for short term or long one, these budgets required care because they give definite form to plans for spending the funds of an enterprise, since a business takes a ling time to recover its investment in plant and equipment, capital expenditure budge should be tied in with fairly long  range planning.
4.     CASH BUDGET: The cash budget is simply a forecast of cash “ experience is measured. Whenever called a budget or not. This is one of the most important controls in an enterprise,  the availability of cash to meet obligation as they fall due is  the first requirement of existence and handsome business profit do little good  emented the budget have a part in their preparation.
        Real Participation in budget making is necessary to ensure success. Most budget directors and controllers recognize this fact, but too often in practice participation amounts to managers being simple pressured to “accept” budget.
Standards: One of the keys to successful budgeting is to develop and make available standards by which programmes
and work can be translated into needs for labour operating expenses, capital, expenditures space, and other resources. Many budgets fail for lack of such standards, and some up-level managers hesitate to allow subordinates to submit budget plans for fear that they may have logical basis for reviewing budget requests. With conversation factors available, superior managers can review such requests and justify their approval or disapproval of them.
Information: Finally, if budgetary control is to work, managers need ready information about actual and forecast performance as contained in the department budget. This information must  be designed to show them how low well they are doing. Unfortunately, such information is usually not available until it is too late for the managers to avoid budget deviations
        Control is the process of ensuring that action conform the plans. It can be defined as the process of analyzing whether decision being taken as planned and taking corrective action to make sure these confer to planning. Thus, control process try to find out deviation (i.e variance) between planned and the actual performance and to work a corrective actions.
        Variance occurs when actual costs and venue deviate from standard / planned cost and revenue.
        Control approaches must be tailored to the characteristic of the operations of the individual.
1.  Analyzing of the deviations
2.  Comparing the actual performance with the standard actions that are determined
3.  Follow up to appraise the effectiveness of the corrective actions and feedback of information to these planning process to improve further planning and controlling cycles
4.  Establishing the control standard
5.  Correcting of deviation from plans

1.  Be objectives, definite, and determinable in a clear and positive way
2.  Reflect organisation needs
3.  Be able to motivate in positive direction
4.  Be forward looking in nature
5.  Reflect the organizational pattern
6.  Be promoteness in reporting deviations
        Motivation is referred to as willingness to put forth the effort in the pursuit  organizational goals. It refers to the way, urges, aspirations drives and need, human being direct to control or explain their behaviour.
        Motivation are factor that cause channel and sustains an individual behaviour.
a)   One way of grouping the major theories of motivation by distinguishing between control theories and process theories
b)  We are motivation by our goals, the expected outcome is curtains
c)   We are motivation and we decide to behave in a way that they desire
Contents theories of motivation assume that human beings have a package of motives which they pursue, i,e they have a set of needs or desired  outcomes. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory and harzbary’s two factor theory are two of the most important approaches of this types.
        Process theories of motivation explore the process through which outcomes become desirable and are pursued by individuals. This approach assume that man is able to select his goals and choose the paths towards them by a conscious or unconscious process calculation, expectancy theory and handy’s motivation calculus are theories of this type and they make a contingency’ approach by stressing the number of variable that influence the individual’s decision in each case. There is no best way to motivate people.
        Need theories are content theories that suggest that the desired outcome’ of behaviour in individual is the satisfaction of needs.
        In this motivation theory maslow put forward certain preposition about the motivation power of needs.
a)   Man’s need can be arranged in a hierarchy of relative prepotency.
b)  Each level of need in dominant until satisfied, may then does next level of need become a motivating factor

    There is a certain instructive appeal to Maslow theory after all, you are unlikely to be cornered with status or recognition while you are hungry or thirsty primary survival need will take precedence. Likewise, one your hungry is assumed, the need for food is unlikely to be motivating factor, unfortunately research does not bear out the prepositions that need become less powerful as they are satisfied expect the very primitive level is of primary hunger and thirst etc
1. Basis: The basis of motivation is a process of recognizing needs and taking actions to satisfy them by reaching a goal. American psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that man needs are categorized as follows.
a)   Physiological needs -       food, drink, sleep
b)  Safety needs -freedom form threat but also security
c)   Social Needs Sense  -       for relationship, affection, belonging
d)                                                              Esteem Needs and     -       for competence achievement independence confidence reflection in the perception i.e recognition, appreciating, respect.
e)   Self Actualization Needs – for the fulfillment of personal, the desire to become more and more what one is, to become every thing one is capable of coming.
f)    Freedom of Enduring- for social condition and permitting free expressions, speeches and encouraging justice, fairness and honestly.
g)   Knowledge -           To gain another knowledge of understanding Needs environment to explore, learn experiment etc
According to Maslow, the last two needs are the channel through we find ways of satisfaction. The first two needs are essential to human survive. Satisfaction of the next two is essential for a sense of adequacy and psychological health. Maslow regarded self actualizations as the ultimate human goals, although few people ever reach it, discus the hierarchy, into which Maslow put his need below.
        David Macleland, writing in the 1050s, identified three type of the motivating needs.
2.     Complexity motivation is a complex process because people have different need and varied perceptive about them
 3.    Homo status: Individuals are in essence open system constantly interacting with their environment and at the same time striving of good and of perception about the actions which are likely to them achieve these goals. Motivating is a very much a matter perception which cause tensions in the individual move in a certain direction in order to achieve the desire objectives which reduce the tension. A satisfied need does not motivate, covers by unsatisfied need motivates.
        To motivate an employee management must create real or image need for employee to aspire to. A real need could be a desire to achieve the through promotion, increase in wage or employment of increased organization all favours, such as company car, with a driver.
        Imagine needs for a staff could be aspiration to have coffee at 9.00am while the entitlement of successful executive may be have secretary official car, and massager to carry brief case etc
        According to Harstarg, Job satisfaction is offered by various factors at work which make employees feel about their work and jobs, and is a source of motivation and higher productivity.
        Don’t assume however, that happiness automatically means product.
(a)    There is little evidence that satisfied, worker actually
      i.        Labour turnover (the rate at which people leave in an organization may therefore be an indication of dissatisfaction to workforce although there is a certain amount of natural loss ) e.g. through retirement] in any case, as how to due to location redundancy etc
    ii.        Absentees may also been indication of dissatisfaction or sally of genuine physical or emotional distress.
(b)    There is also evidence that satisfaction correlate with men health that symptoms of stress psychological failure etc may be signal to management that all is well
        Participate in planning decision which effect their work if the subordinate voluntary accent the irritation and result about certain performance are fed back regularly to the subordinate that can make  their own control decisions then the subordinate will be motivated
a)   To be more efficient
b)  To be more conscious of the organization’s goals
c)   To raise has or foe planning target to reasonably
d)  To be ready to make appropriate control when necessary
Culture is the share value system of an organization droken speak of “spirit of performance” which to the operating of energy.
        In organization, Peter and Waterman argue that employee can be ‘switched on’ to extra – ordinary loyalty and effort in some cases.
 (b)   If a case need to be the same sense re – affirming the heroic dimension of the work, commitment comes from believing that a task is inherently worthwhile derotion to the stomer and his needs and wants is an important motivation on his way. Owing to good luck, or may even good sense
(c)Owing to good luck or may even sense these companies emphasis quality, reliability and services, have chosen only area when this is really possible to generate excitement in the average own employee. They give people pride in what they do. They make it possible to love the product, some value and good news are faithful of past success as are in play or operate a climatic. They are there as winners. He will start naturally like one’s regressive control system and negative reinforcement breakdown the employee’s self image.
Positive attitude to work and to organization.
(d)    They can satisfy their dual needs to
        i.        The conforming, secure part of a successful team and
      ii.        The star’ in their own right
        This means giving control through firm centered direction and shared volumes and beliefs but also maximum individual autonomy.
        Leading may be defined as the relationship in which one person or the leader, influence other to work together willingly on related task to attain that which the leader desires.
        Leadership is a means of direction, leadership is the ability to management when tied up in inventory, machinery, other non cash assets budgeting also shows the availability of excess cash thereby making it possible to plan for profit making investment of surpluses.
        If budgetary controls are to well managers must remember that budget are designed only as tools and not as replacements for managing, that have limitations and they must be tailored to each job. Moreover, they are the tool of all managers and not only of the budget director or the controller.
        The only person who can administer budget, since they are plans, are the managers responsible for budgeted programs.
        No successful budget program can be truly “directed’ or “administered” by a budget director. This staff officer can assist in the preparation and use of budget by the responsible managers, but unless the entire company management is to be turned over to the budget officer, this person should not be given the job of making budget commitment or expenditure decisions.
TOP MANAGEMENT SUPPORT: To be most effective, budget making and administration must receive the whole hearted support of top management. Establishing an officer of budget director by decree and then forgetting about it leads to haphazard budget making and to saddling subordinate managers with another procedure or set of papers to prepare.
Participation; Related to the participation of top management. Another means of making budget work is to make sure that all mangers expected to improve leaders characteristically “induce or inspire others achieve leadership is the action of motivation or causing other to perform activities designed to achieve specific objectives.
        A review of literature on leadership indicates that leadership been viewed as;
1)  An effect of interaction
2)  A form of persuasion
3)  The act of inducing compliance
4)  An instrument of goal achievement
5)  A focus of group process
6)  The exercises of influence
7)  A set of personality
8)  An act or behaviour
9)  A differential role and
10)            The initiation of structure
a)   The need for achievement people who need to achieve have a strong desire for success and strong fear of failure
b)   The need for power, people with a high need for power usually seek positions of leadership in order to influence and control
c)   The need for affiliation people who need a sense of obeying and membership of social group tend to be concerned with containing good personal relationship.
        This is the employment of required staff into an organisation it involves activities such as defining labour requirement for each job recruiting and selecting candidates, induction training and development, compensation, appraisal of employee, employee welfare and industrial relations. The staffing process strives to maintain optimum work force since excess labour will increase cost of production and inadequate work force can reduce efficiency.
The selection process in staffing includes the following steps.
1.  Advertising vacant positions in the media to reach the right audience.
2.  Arrange for interviews – written , oral or both for hose who qualify vide their application
3.  Select by evaluating their education, intelligence and experience.
4.  Sent out letter of appointment stating salary, allowances, training programmes and so on.
        Coordinating involves ensuring that all groups and person work efficient, economically and within harmoniously within the organisation. There are difeerent five basis principles for effective coordination.
1.  It should start at the early stage of planning the plan should be coordinated so that each sections would operate under the organisation plans
2.  Every staff should know what is expected of him or her. This makes for easy coordination.
3.  The business goals should be clearly defined and should be communicated to everyone concerned
4.  They should be horizontal and vertical communication in the organization.
  1.   PLANNING:
        Planning is a management of change. A plan is the route to an objective. If an organisation is to achieve the objectives it has set for itself then it must plan a course of action that will enables it to attain these goal Planning can be therefore be defined as;
        Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, it involves the selection for objectives, polices, procedures and programmes form among alternatives.
        Planning helps to determine in advance the expected result, such as standard cost of production, standard favour and expected profit. The purpose of planning is to help in performance evaluation.
        Planning is determining, where the company is to go as well as how it is to met there, or more formally, the setting of objectives and goal and the formulation and selection of strategies and course of actions to reach them.
        Planning identifies and analyze opportunities strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat and sets priorities for capitalizing on or overcoming them so that company resources will be put on the best uses.
        Planning is clearly distinct from forecasting while forecasting is one of the essential element of planning which is prediction of what will happen on the basis of certain assumption, planning on the other hand is an attempt to determining what should happen and then to take steps that will make it likely happen.
1.  Planning is flexible and dynamic in nature through consideration of environmental factors.
2.  planning is closely associated with the goals of an organization 
3.  planning involves selection of the best alternative
4.  planning is primary concerned with the expected future event
5.  planning is comprehensive and includes every course action in the organisation
        i.        To help in better observation and investigation opportunity and needs
      ii.        To offsets uncertainly and change
   iii.        To help in co-ordination of various units of the organisation
    iv.        To focus more attention on objectives
       v.        To help controlling process
    vi.        To obtain better understanding of the business
  vii.        To help in decision making
viii.        To increase organisation effectiveness
    i.        Perception of opportunities
  ii.        Evaluate alternative courses
iii.        Determining alternative course of action
 iv.        Selecting the best course
   v.        Establishing objectives
 vi.        Establishing planning premises factors that will affects planning should be taking to consideration before planning premises are the various factors that affect planning.
vii.        Formulating / Deprivating plans i.e deriving of various steps for department, units, activities etc in order to support the basic overall company’s plan
        The efficiency  and growth of any organisation can be traced to the organ which is know as management. In a way management is charge with the duty of making available resources (both human and material) productive. As peter Ducker put it, management is the organ specifically charge with the reasonability of making resources productive. As such, it is the task management to combine resources in order to accomplish the objectives of an organization. Management is the hearth around which all business activities revolve.
     From these observation, it can be seen that management is a process entailing responsibility in effective formation and regular of the operation of an organization for the achievement of given objectives.
        As a result, management involve planning, organizing, directing, staffing coordinating and controlling the activities of an organization in order to achieve its set objectives. It is necessary, however to point out that management decision extend beyond these aforementioned value judgment and include procedures which are statistical , quantifiable, analytical and brainstorming. In a way therefore, management is the powerhouse or the blood that gives life to an organization. As such management exist wherever and whenever the need to achieve result arises. As already mentioned, the tools of management involves the following;
        Planning is the primary task of management and it the beginning of the management process. It involves setting objectives determining strategies and selecting alternative course of action, planning helps an organisation to define its purpose and activities. It enable performance. Standards to be set and result can therefore be compared with standard to enable management to see how an organization is proceeding toward the achievement of its set goals. Planning is essential for long – term survival of any organization as it help to determined the most profitable way to allocate limited resources among competing needs. It is the most demanding part of management function, involving projections and forecasting, planning if properly done reduce the risk of failure and uncertainty in organization it bridges the gap between where the management is and where management wishes to be. It answers the questions such as what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.
        If any organization or institution must achieve any successful planning. Its activity must be well organized. To organized is to form into a component the activities of an enterprise. It also means to arrange in sequential form. In other words, the process of organizing an organization includes the following steps.
1.  Divide the work to be done into smaller activities
2.  determine what activities must be performed to achieve the set objectives
3.  assign the work to people who can carry them and provide necessary information and tools
4.  departmentalize the work by assigning a manager to each group of people who perform similar activities and specify the level of authority
5.  coordinate the work of all individuals and department so that ultimate goals is achieved
        Directing involves grinding, leading and supervising subordinate t ensure that they understand the requirement of the job and what is expected of them. Directing also involve effective communication of duties and responsibility providing appropriate motivation and leadership.
        Thus, management should be able to create fellowship leadership capable of knowing individuals aspiration, weakness and capacity. A leader should be able to create fellowship through leadership by example and by directing without correction.

All functionaries should meet overall organization goal at the required time schedule
To control is to measure and compare actual performance with the set standard and correct deviation in line with the realistic performance standard. Performance should be repeated and improved upon and failure to meet up with standard should be a major concerned to management. Indeed, standard are criteria for measuring performance. Control is essential in every organization to ensure that plans are accomplished to achieves expected results. This kind of control exist in the following three ways.
A researcher is a model performance level which should be attained. It could be expressed either qualitatively and quantitative standard could be expressed as high quality product of being a responsible corporate citizen. Quantitative standard could be in terms of expected profit figures, sales volume, product rejection rate or rate of absentism. The management of an organization can even influence the standard administration to set standard product quality and labeling.
This involves comparing what has been done with set standard or performance, this is important in order to know when and where corrective action should be taking measurement of performance standard should also be carried out promptly. It should be accurate and the cost of doing so should be minimized.
        Corrective action is necessary whenever there is shortfall in actual performance. This is an attempt to bring actual performance in line with the set standard so that they become more attainable for efficiency in operation, actions should be taken promptly.
        Understanding management principles is a first step towards effective and efficient management of human and material resources. A good manager can build on principles through appropriate experience from day to day over a reasonable length of time.
        Productivity the quality of being productive economics, the rate at which goods or service are produced.
        Meaning of productivity (noun) form; no plural a measurement of output per hours worked’ creativeness; fruitfulness;.  The meaning of productivity has evolved over the years from simply producing quality products at minimum cost to.
        The amount of output per unit of input (labour requirement and capital). There are many different ways of measuring productivity, for example, in a factory productivity might, be measure based on the number of hours it takes to produce a good while in the service sector productivity might be measured based on the revenue generated by an employee divided by his / her salary.

        Population is defined according to Longman dictionary  contemporary as the number of people living in particular area, country’ etc. But this term is further defined by encyclopedia as ‘the inhabitants of a designated territory.
     But for the fact that it is not possible to cover the whole population of the organization concerned of this project work. Thus a sample size is used.
        According to Earl R. Babbic, who defined survey population as an aggregates of element from which the sample is eventually selected.
          The survey population used in this project is made of members of stuff of OKIN BISCULTS Limited Offa.
             Sample size
       There are situation, which the analysis of the population become difficult, in such a situation sample size is selected for the purpose of making an estimate made of the selected population. Therefore the sample size is considerably as much an art as questionnaire designed development. The sample is 20 members.
               The research design used for this study in analytical as well as description since the project focuses on plan and control in a private design that is used, so as to enable the research obtain about the impact of productivity of OKIN BISCUIT company offa kwara state.
        Manufacturing company must consider many factors as they develop channel of distribution.
The two basic research instrument for this project work includes.
-        primary data
-        secondary data
These are data originated by a researcher, either through experiment of carrying out of research.
They type of primary data used in this research work is questionnaire. It was designed to sample respondents view about the impact of planning and control on organizational productivity with reference of Okin Biscuits Limited.
   This is an already published data, which is primary to the owner and secondary users.
They are frequently collected for administrative purpose.
 In this course of this research work, secondary information were gotten from text books and journal (which formed the bulk of the literature review aspects).
      The research instrument and techniques to be used in testing hypothesis depend on the nature of the data collected. But, for the purpose of this work the researcher was able to use questionnaire. This was adopted in order to minimize the problem associated with data collection and to ensure that result. From this study were reliable as expected and intended.
            According to oxford advanced dictionary, define ‘administration’ as the activities that are done in order to plan, organize or run for a business, school or other institution and administrative job/assistant/error. It also define instrument as a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for delicate or scientific work.
          The term ‘reliability’ is used to refer to the degree of variable error in a measurement i.e to which measurement is free of variable errors. This is related when repeated measure of the same state characteristics of contemporary English defined reliability as anything that may be trusted and dependable. It also defined validity as fairly based on what is true or reasonable, that can be defined also that can legally be used for stated period or in a certain conclusion.
    The test retest technique is the only practical approach to the establishment of reliability of the questionnaire as part of standardization can be asked to complete again and its choice can be compared for constituency. This method is not fully proof since on retest respondents will probably attempts to member and duplicate its earlier response rather than answer the question as he sees them. For this reasons, evidence of constituency can hardly testified to the validity of the instrument and is a questionable measure of its reliability. The actual vitality of a questionnaire utilize the same principle and procedure as the validation of any instrument of test and measurement.

       This Chapter Represent S Result Analysis Of Data collected for this study. The analysis of the primary data is based on response rate of twenty percent (20%) in all one hundred (100) copies of questionnaire were given to the staff  of Okin biscuit company limited to administer of this total questionnaire twenty copies were retrieved and statistical analysis  would be based on the return questionnaire.
        The questionnaire distributed were divided into two section namely A and B. section A concerns with the personal data of the respondent while B is based on the question relating to the topic of the research projects.

  Source research survey (2011)
From the above 12 representing 60 percent (60%) of the respondent. Were male and 8 representing 40 percent (40%) of the respondents were female. The larger proportion of male to female work force in the organization is a replica of what is happening in the manufacturing where greater percentage of their duties is tedious and enemy consuming.      
        Okin biscuit limited was incorporated in may 1978 by the patriotic businessman. Chief E.O Adesoye. Who is an indigene of offa is response to the call of the then state government of kwara state calling on kwara state indigenes of means to establish industry in kwara state industrials kwara state.
        Within the period of five month. The erection of plant and machinery  were conflated production scale actually started on 2nd of July 1980 now thirty one years (31) have passed 
        The company started production in tree variations namely cabin cream and coaster. In 1980 another varieties were introduced later like short cake “ OLOMOKULUBU” e.t.c.
        Before the end of 1980, machinery for okin foam (a division of okin biscult limited) arrived and production form started in the year 1989. The demand for okin biscuit outstripped supply on machinery of the second line of production of okin was installed in 1982 to double the capacity of biscuits 14,000 tons per annual and 3,000 funs of foam production per annual.
        The raw materials used in production of biscuit are namely wheat, flour sugar margarine, glucose, salt, banking chemical, flavors and water. Since major portion of raw materials and coking availability of important license affected the production target since 1982 and this continue for years to follow. The adverse situation of foreign exchange during the following years forced some other factories to close down for long period of time. Okin biscuit limited survived, though the capacity utilization has to reduced to a level of 25%.
        In 1989 when the federal government banned importation of what floor which is the major ingredient for biscuit production, okin biscuit limited believe in federal government policies of self reliance waste to time for alternative sourcing of raw materials local institution was tired and partially successful.
        It was in light of this development that okin biscult were to so for experimental farming of what’s in kwara state. In October 1987 and ever since during the last three season namely 1987-1988-1988-1989, and 1989-1990 wheat farming trials were conducted at Oyun local government area and Babanla Ifelodun local government area in kwara state.
        Okin biscuit limited also had wheat farm in kano state where irrigated lands were available in here and lease with production locally. The supply position has now improved. However the ban on importation of wheat was lifted in December 1992.
        The company employed between five hundred to five hundred and fifty (500-550) employee directly during the last fourteen years and 90% of then ere skilled workers internally training course were conducted in corporation with industries training fund (ITF) to developed the skill and talent workers.
        In 1989 Okin biscults limited acquired seventy percent 70% share of kwara state breweries limited with a view of reviewing the company which was in a very bad shape. The company is looking for the rosy future in spite of the hardship.
        Business objective are goals or that a business set for itself. They differ according to the type of business.
        Business objective are a way for an organization to define it goals and direction. A company uses a combined strategy at every level of its operation to achieve its objective. It determine how the company will allocate it resources and what strength. Weakness and opportunities it may have.
        A business objective is usually not altered once unlamented unless change in circumstance arise
Bellows are the basic objectives of okin biscuit limited
1.          Improving sales growth in all key region
2.          Improving profit margins on it key brands.
3.          To maximize sales
4.          Expanding the product portfolio
5.          To provide goods service that is chap and affordable to consumer or to the public.
6.          Providing employment for the owners and others who work in the business.
7.          Development and growth either internally or externally
8.          Okin biscuit also ensure that growth measure take place through market share.
9.          Customer satisfaction is another man objective of okin biscuit limited thereby ensuring that satisfaction of customers are guarantee.
10.      Survival usually short  term, that is to sustain in the business or in time of recession to break.
Management planning and control prepares to have the right people at the right places at the right time to fulfill organization and individual objectives.
Management planning and control is the process by which an organization ensure that it has the right number and kinds people at the place: at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently compiling those that will aid the organization in achieving its overall objectives “without  manpower and plans are reduced to mere guess work. It starts by developing a profile of the current status of human resources.
Management planning and control is also define as the forecasting of human resources needs for the organization and planning the steps necessary to meet these needs.
The main purpose of management planning and control is to identify future organizational demand and supplies of human resources and to initiate and develop programmed to eliminate any discrepancies in the best interest of the individual organization. The management planning and control is being described as the heart of personnel management.
Management planning and control serves the following purpose
1.  It helps to reduce personnel cost through anticipating shortages or surpluses of human resources and to being them  into equilibrium before they become expensive and unmanageable
2.  It helps to improve business planning generally.
3.  It provides a tool for evaluating alternative human resources throughout the organization.
4.  It allows personnel managers to provide the proper work force needed by the employer
        Management control and planning include a variety of tools used by both managers and employee to ensure work may proceed as necessary. While management control are useful and often essential part of doing business. It is important to ensure that these control do not interfere with workers ability to get the work done.
        Below are the effect of management planning and control on the productivity of the organization
1.          Management control standards:- management control should always comply with all applicable state, local and federal law. They should also provide a reasonable amount of assurance that assets are protected from waste. Fraud and abuse. Management controls should not be implemented without proper fore thought and planning but should specific goals which may be realistically met, finally standards for management controls should  require the encouragement of both managers and employees to act in ethical manner which maintain a certain level of competence for all workers
2.          Preventive control and planning;- requiring employs to log into the company network is one example of a management control designed to prevent fraud.
The purpose of preventive control is to attempt to  prevent workers at all levels from making errors or defrauding the organization. Preventive controls may include such items as requiring to enter a password to sign onto a computer or a pass key to gain access to a particular area of a workplace. These control are essential in a variety of work situations.
However, They may sometimes affect productivity if not implemented properly. For example if a payroll clerk needs to print paychecks but the supervisor with access to the locked room where check stock is kept unavailable productivity may be lost.
3.          Detecting control and planning:- detective control and planning are designed to ‘detect’ errors and lor fraudulent activity after they have already occurred. Example reports are one example of a detective planning and control. These are reports which list item such as incomplete transaction that equal on amount which is greater or less than what is expected in day-to-day business. Detective controls are very effective at discovering costly according errors.
However, they can impact productivity when carried to the extreme. For example when an entire department is forced to spend hours searching for a five percent errors. Not only is productivities lost but the time spent looking those few pennies will cost the organization more money than f if it were to simply write off the difference.
4. Using management control to increase the productivities while management controls may have a negative impact on productivity when implemented incorrectly. They may also be used to increase productivity. When management controls in place to measure and analyze day-to-day productivity. Managers may user the resulting data to investigate more diffident ways to do business. These controls may also help managers determine more effective ways to delegate authority within the organization.
5. Human factors: the human aspect of management, planning and control should be considered when designing and implementing these controls. Human behaviour should be considered to ensure workers are property motivated to complete the desired task. For example employees should not be made to feel as though planning and controls have been put in place because managers believe workers cannot be trusted. In such a case workers will likely be demodulated which will then decrease productivity.
Productions stand tall on four important pillars of capital quality management and technology. These pillars are also responsible for positively as well as negatively affecting the productivity of the organization.
1.  Capital:- An existing machine or facility. If it is not functioning up to full capacity or turning out products which are not acceptable can lower productivity. A new machine repair of existing machine would require capital input.
2.  Management:- With better scheduling planning. Coordinating and controlling activities of management. The machine operators can be carried to improve productivity.
3.  Quality:- Poor quality products would not meet customers requirement and would need repairs and reworks on the product to meet the standards.
4.  Technology:- Technology improvement have increased productivities. A machine of today would out perform machine of yesterday but may not withstand machine of tomorrow.
Without careful planning technology can reduce productivity as it often leads to increased cost, inflexibility or mismatched operations. All these lead to reduction in value.

5.1      SUMMARY
The purpose of this study was to highlight the impact effective planning and control on organization productivity. The information will help an organization to give priority to its planning and control process since the success and failure of my organization depend on planning and control. It has been observed that many organizations spend million of naira on production, so as to increase productivity without taking cognizance of the basis factors which are planning and control.
In this research work the research has been able to ensure the question that effective planning and control should be taken with great priority. So that the organization could achieve its goals the researcher was able to analysis different types of planning and control, step to take in planning and control system or process.
In addition literature were relieved in which the researcher made a distinction between planning and control, that planning takes place before, during and after operation. Planning and involves visualizing goals to be accomplished, examining ways to accomplish the goals and deciding as to the best way of operating the plan.
The purpose of control is to ascertain whether or not the work is done as planned control makes the required correction to get back on target. For control to be effective, it must possess the followings.
(a)         A predetermined goal must exist
(b)        The course and means for reading the goal must have been plotted
(c)    Means of measuring rearrange from the course must been established the researcher also examines different areas of activities planning like personnel training programme and material requirement e.t.c
Conclusively form the funding of the research the researcher found out that the company face problem such: bureaucracy in decision making leading to show action taking by the management of the company. There is higher number of old skill in the production section which does not give room for new technology, there is lack of variety product times thereby limiting the market strategies and skill e.g no strong advertisement effort, no discovery of new market, discounts are not allowed. Absent of this marketing strategies lend to reduction in their total sales and there is problem of irregular payment of worker salaries. All these factor affect their productivity.
From the research finding, effective planning and control is management effort aimed at achieving high productivity. This is based on the attitude of to managers to planning and control the following findings were deduced.
Due to the observation, it has been discovered that planning and control have great important role to play in the success and survived of any organization so, far any organization to increase its productivity the company must take organization of planning and control process.
Though, effective planning and control can increase productivity but there are others factors that can also increase productivity such as good remuneration, good medical facilities, and better incentives e.t.c
My recommendations based on this research will be in these categories such as organization, employee and government. 
5.4                       THE ORGANIZATION
For planning to be successful the organization must integrate other in decision making process those who must be conversant with the situation being faced by the organization such as providing an interface of production department with the making and financial functions.
There should be recruitment of skilled labourers that will bring up new idea in production which marketing department should be more involved in gathering customer’s specification across to production section.
(A)              The account department should make funds available for the procurement of needed and right raw material and new technological equipments. Other wise there would always be contradiction between the marketing and production function as regards meeting customers orders adequately.
(B)        Organization should adopt a preventive policy that will ensure careful handling and proper maintenance to avoid emergency breakdown during production process. This policy is good and should be sustained, but replacement approach should be considered when the machines or plants become uneconomically serviceable.
(C)    The organization should employ the services of new skilled and semi skilled workers for permanent employment that will bring about new ideas in the production and marketing section.
In conclusion, government should also allow the companies to import raw materials from abroad, reduce the tax levying on the companies through customers and exercise duties.

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